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Jan. 22, 2017

     Genesis 22nd Chapter we find Abraham had finally had a Son by Sarah his Wife. As he had waited years for this promise from GOD to be fulfilled. Finally He has a Son by Sarah. As the LORD had promised him this son years prior. And Abraham had fell on his face and laughed!! Gen. 17:17 He was 90 years old and thought this was the joke of the day! But GOD told Him Sarah thy Wife shall bear thee a Son indeed; and thou shall call his name Isaac and I will establish my covenant with him.

Many Ministers, and Theologians baffle at the fact that Abraham laugh. As Abraham is 90 years old and his own Father was 130 at the time of Abraham’s birth. Sarah would die when Abraham was 137 years old and Abraham would have sons long after that. Gen. 25:1-6. The Apostle Paul stated (but he considered not his own body now dead) Romans 4:19.

Simply after GOD spoke this Word to Abraham that Sarah his wife would have a Son indeed! His Faith kicked in and Abraham began to believe again. After all of those years of trying Now His Faith was Revived and He began to Believe again and His Faith would become UNSHAKABLE!!! Glory to GOD Saints you have to Believe again as it was given to the devil to wear out the patience of the saints.

So you that are weary I compel you to BELIEVE AGAIN step out on Faith one more time, and Know that GOD just can’t lie and HE just cannot fail you! Hallelujah! 
     What is taking place is that Abraham had grown weary in trying to have a child by Sarah. And a hurting thing when he Loved his wife so much and not able to have a child by Her. He said O that Ishmael might live before thee! Gen. 17:18. As Ishmael was his son by Sarah’s Egyptian handmaid.

Abraham loved his wife and they wanted a child so bad; but year after year they were disappointed. Have you ever been in a trial that lasted years? Have you ever prayed and years went by and you were wondering where is GOD in that situation? So it was easier for Abraham to just accept Ishmael as being the Son that would receive the Inheritance and carry out his Legacy, where all Nations would be Blessed Through his seed.

I want to remind you that your Blessing is for an appointed time wait on it don’t lose your vision, keep on dreaming and praying and JESUS will come through for you! Don’t settle for Ishmael JESUS wants you to have HIS best and exactly what HE Promised You.

     Sarah had laugh also when She heard She would have a Son (Gen. 18:13) the Angel said IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD! A question we have to ask ourselves. Is my situation too hard for GOD? Is the prayer request I am petitioning to GOD too hard for the LORD??? Mark 10:27 WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Your situation is not too hard for the LORD! Whatever it is TRUST GOD to Vindicate you, and come through for you! With GOD all things are possible!

     Abraham 100 years old and His Wife Sarah 90 years old. But they received their Miracle! Glory! It took a while, and years passed by but how SWEET this Blessing was! Your Blessing, Your Miracle is on the way; Delayed does not mean Denied!! Now out of all the waiting, and years passing by, all the hurt, pain, and disappointment of Sarah continually not being able to get pregnant year after year and finally Isaac is born.

Can you imagine how Sarah had felt when her handmaiden can have a child and she can not have one?? Her heart was broken and the question; do GOD love ME, does HE Care about ME????

     Then GOD tells Abraham to Go and Sacrifice your Only Son! Offer Him for a Burnt Offering!! Wow!! Kill your son and burn his body up!! Notice Abraham rose early in the Morning. (Gen. 22:3) His Obedience with no delay. Abraham is walking Now by Faith; UNSHAKABLE FAITH! Glory! Faith that cannot be waivered by circumstances or situations that arise UNSHAKABLE FAITH! 5th verse Abraham speaks Faith telling His servants that I and the Lad will go yonder and worship, and come again unto you!!

     You have to Confess and Speak FAITH!! Glory! The Power of Life and Death is in the tongue. Proverbs 18:21. Don’t try to figure things out just believe and Confess Faith!! Glory!! Abraham does not know (HOW) GOD is going Move for Him. But He simply BELIEVES!!! He knows that GOD has promised through Isaac He would establish HIS Covenant. (Gen. 17:19)

What is taking place here is Abraham is Believing and Holding on to the WORD of GOD! Knowing GOD JUST CAN’T LIE!! Numbers 23:19, Psalms 89:34, Psalms 119:99, Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35. GOD wants us to Trust HIS Infallible WORD. Have Faith in GOD.

     Now Abraham is NOW Walking by FAITH! NOT trying to Figure GOD Out; but just simply BELIEVING the Promise of GOD!

WE try so many times to figure out how GOD is going to move for us. But our Role is to Only Believe! We make it hard on ourselves by not simplifying it. Only Believe is our role. Its GOD’S job to do what HE says HE is going to do. And HE has a Perfect track record! Only Believe!! Be Not Afraid ONLY BELIEVE! (Mark 5:36) Whatever you are going through, or Encountering at this present moment my Wife and I want to Encourage you to ONLY BELIEVE in “JESUS”! ONLY BELIEVE! Hallelujah!

We know some are weary and tire saying GOD when will this trial end, when will this storm blow over? But hold on a little longer to FAITH, GOD has a Miracle for YOU! Your Blessing is on the way! Victory is yours! GOD has not forgotten your labor of love! Hebrews 6:10. HE is a “Rewarder” of them that diligently seek HIM. Hebrew 11:6

     Gen. 22:7 Isaac ask his Father a Question. My Father ” ” Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the Lamb for a burnt offering? Verse 8 ” ” My Son GOD will Provide HIMSELF a lamb for a burnt offering! Again Abraham is speaking and confessing FAITH.

The LORD will Provide! GOD does not need our help trying to catch a Ram and put it in the bushes all He wants us to do is Believe! (:Smile:) I don’t know how HE is going to do it; but GOD HIMSELF WILL PROVIDE! GOD is going to come through for YOU! Hold on just a little while longer, pray a little harder, BELIEVE, and watch JESUS do the Miraculous in YOUR life. HE is not a GOD of Yesteryear; but a Right NOW GOD!! NOW FAITH IS! Right NOW JESUS has a Miracle for you, and your family!

     Abraham tied his Son up, laid Him on the Altar, and took the knife to slay him. But JESUS called from Heaven saying Abraham, Abraham! and He said, Here am I. Gen. 22:11,&12. And GOD said lay not thine hand upon the lad.
Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold behind Him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. Abraham Offered the Ram instead of Isaac.

The 2 things He spoke by Faith came to pass. That He and the lad would go sacrifice and return; and that the LORD would Provide HIMSELF a Sacrifice!! Open your Mouth and Speak by Faith Your Deliverance, Healing, Miracle, Salvation of your child or love one, whatever you need GOD to do BELIEVE it, and SPEAK it by Faith!! Refuse to doubt but Only believe let your Faith become UNSHAKABLE. Now GOD wants us to have UNSHAKABLE FAITH!!

     Romans 4:18-22 Who against hope believed in hope. His Faith became Unshakable Not worrying about Circumstances, or  the deadness of Sarah’s womb , Abraham Staggered NOT at the Promise of GOD through Unbelief, Abraham refuse to Doubt GOD but was STRONG in FAITH giving Glory to GOD.

Being FULLY Persuaded that what GOD had Promise, HE was able to Perform!! This is the year of the “Believer” 2017 Only believe And you will see the Glory, and Power of GOD this year moving Mightily in your life. Encourage yourself in the LORD Man of GOD; Encourage yourself in the LORD Woman of GOD, ARISE with Faith that is “UNSHAKABLE” refuse to doubt your GOD; totally Trust JESUS HE never fails! I know that you have been through hell, and high waters but keep on marching! I declare unto you that YOUR GOD NEVER FAILS Victory is yours this is your year, your time, and season! Hold on to UNSHAKABLE Faith don’t doubt, don’t waver ONLY BELIEVE!!

     We are Believing GOD’S people to arise with UNSHAKABLE FAITH! This is the Year of the Believer and JESUS will Vindicate HIS people. We Love you and we are praying for you Day and Night!
GOD’S servant: Bro. derrick and Sis. Janice