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November 29, 2021

Christmas Message that was Ministered:

                 THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD = ISAIAH 9:6 = “FOR UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN”                                               

     The Beauty of this Story is that it’s actually more than just a story, it’s Total Reality. Backed by Historical Truths, and Biblical Prophesies given hundreds of years before the Child was born, and the events took place!!

One MAN’S Birth Totally changed History. As whatever day it is; it’s calculated as BC meaning Before the Birth of CHRIST or AD after the death of CHRIST! 2018 AD is 2,018 years after the death of CHRIST.

For one to tell you HE is going to die and Raise HIMSELF back up in 3 days; then actually raise HIMSELF back up from the dead speaks volumes. This is GOD manifested in the flesh the Apostle Paul declares in 1Timothy 3:16.

   So just kick back and relax and let me tell you about the TRUE Christmas Story as many have never heard it before.

Isaiah Prophesied over 700 years {Before} the Birth of JESUS that a Virgin would have a Child.

Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the LORD HIMSELF shall give you a sign; Behold a {Virgin} shall conceive, and bare a SON and shall call HIS name Immanuel.  In Matthew 1:18 Now the Birth of JESUS CHRIST was on this wise: When as HIS Mother Mary was espoused to Joseph {BEFORE} they came together, she was found with Child of the HOLYGHOST.  Here we have the Prophecy and the Fulfillment of the Prophecy all here in Scripture.

HISTORICAL RECORDS = Records Declare that JESUS CHRIST was born and that his Birth totally changed the way we calculate time. As its January 2018 AD meaning 2,018 years after the death of CHRIST, and BC meaning BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST! So every time a date is mention or written down it is based off of the Birth of JESUS CHRIST! That HE is REAL and was actually Born, Bled, Died, Resurrected! Glory!! HE Exist and not just a Myth or fairytale. A Man Born of a Virgin!

JESUS Birth fulfill so many prophesies.

Genesis 3:15                             (Would be the Seed of a Woman)                               Galatians 4:4

Genesis 18:18                              (Promised Seed of Abraham)                                    Acts 3:25

Genesis 17:19                                (Promised Seed of Isaac)                                        Matthew 1:2

Genesis 49:10                         (Will descend from the tribe of Judah)                             Luke 3:33

Isaiah 9:7                                  (The Heir to the Throne of David)                               Matthew 1:1

Micah 5:2                                                (Place of Birth)                                              Matthew 2:1

Micah 5:2 but thou Bethlehem “Ephratah Matthew 2:1 Now JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judaea”

Daniel 9:25                                              (Time of Birth)                                             Luke 2:1, 2

Jeremiah 31:15     (Massacre of Infants Satan trying to Destroy the Baby JESUS)               Matthew 2:16

Hosea 11:1                                             (Flight to Egypt)                                           Matthew 2:14

So much “TRUTH “as Prophesies and History confirms the Birth of JESUS CHRIST.

Isaiah 9:6, 7 for Unto (Us) a Child is born, unto us a SON is given and the Government shall be upon HIS shoulder: and HIS name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty GOD, The Everlasting FATHER, and The Prince of Peace. This Child that was born is Wonderful, Counselor, and HE is the MIGHTY GOD, HE is the Everlasting FATHER, HE is the Prince of all Peace. The CHILD is GOD made flesh!!! John 1:14, I Timothy 3:16. HE has come to bring salvation to Mankind. HE was born to Redeem Man and to destroy the works of the devil. HE was born to bring HEALING, & LIFE and to establish a Kingdom which would have no end!! This baby Boy was born to be the Savior of the World, to Conquer and Defeat, sin, sickness, disease, death, hell, and the grave. Born to destroy the works of the devil. To give us LIFE and LIFE more abundantly!! Nothing could stop HIM or contain HIM!!  1st John 3:8, John 10:10,

     The GOOD News is GOD thought about US; and a CHILD was born. Born to help us, and comfort us, Encourage, & strengthen us. Now that is the Greatest Story Ever told that we have a Savior, a Redeemer, and a Healer!! A GOD that LOVES US!!

Now I have to tell you the part of History that many Preachers and even many Parents never want to talk about! But I feel it’s very important that YOU know (TRUTH) ABOUT the CHRISTMAS STORY. As ye shall know the Truth and the TRUTH shall make you FREE! John 8:32

Satan Panic and immediately began to change this Truth about a baby being born of a Virgin to a Christmas message of LIES AND IDOLATRY. Revelation 12:9 Satan DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD!

Fact is JESUS WAS NOT BORN DECEMBER 25TH!! December 25th is considered by many Satan’s Birthday. The Bible says: Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand that made all the earth drunken: the Nations have drunken of her wine: therefore the Nations are mad, Jeremiah 51:7, Revelation 17:4, 5.

So now we see Satan Deceiving the whole world! Rev. 12:9

Noah had a very evil Great grandson Which Noah son Ham had a son name Cush and Cush has a son name Nimrod. Genesis 10:8-9 Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a Mighty one in the earth. Nimrod built Babylon and many cities; he built the tower of Babel, the original Babylon, Ancient Nineveh and many other cities. He began to have sex with his Mother Semiramis. He would marry his own mother!!! He would bring in all kinds of Occult worship and practices turning from the true and living GOD. His Great Uncle Shem; Noah’s Son would Murder him for his turning away from the LORD. So this is where History gets interesting! Imagine a man so evil that he turns from GOD and worship Idols and demons; he marries his own Mother Semiramis.

      After Nimrod’s untimely death, his Mother/Wife brought forward the Doctrine of the resurrection of Nimrod. She claimed A FULL GROWN EVERGREEN TREE SPRANG UP OVERNIGHT FROM A DEAD TREE STUMP. She also claimed that Nimrod would visit the Evergreen Tree on each anniversary of his birth and leave gifts upon it. Semiramis, through her Scheming, became the Babylonian Queen of Heaven. She introduced a worship to usher in the birth of her son every year.

     SO THIS IS WHERE THE EVERGREEN TREE WORSHIP COMES FROM. Since the leaves are green in the winter Semiramis claims this is her son/husband reincarnated as the Evergreen Tree and is still alive.  Jeremiah 7:18, Ezekiel 8:14 Note the Pagan god Tammuz is Nimrod they worship. So now we have an Idol an Evergreen tree to worship but now we have to find where did the date to worship it come from December 25th?

     The Queen of Babylon (Semiramis) ordered the world to celebrate the birth of her son, “Tammuz”. He of course was the Sun god, Baal, representing Satan. She SET DECEMBER 25TH FOR BAAL’S BIRTHDAY!  Her Astrologers told her that the Sun is at its farthest point from the earth during the winter solstice.  So they told the people that on the 21st of December the sun, Baal dies. Then on the 24th of December he starts coming back to life, and the 25th is his Birthday. Many Devil worshippers and Occult worshippers look forward every year to the (Winter Solstice), and Satan’s Birthday December 25th. Satan calls himself the Sun God representing the center of the universe.

When the Mass was first said on Midnight, December 24, around the year of 394 it was the Mass of Christ or Christmas. The Religious machine changed it from Baal’s Birthday to the birthday of Jesus. The pagans loved it. It became the biggest day of the year for the Roman Catholic Institution.

     It’s is the Festive time of lights, songs, Christmas trees, gifts, but also suicides and despair for the homeless, and those that have lost love ones to death and tragedies. Semiramis would have the people to bring gifts and put them around Nimrod/Tammuz the Evergreen Tree. The Gifts brought December 25 was for Nimrod. She would also have Human sacrifices, people burn to death Sacrificed to Nimrod her Lover/Son. Today we have Yule logs that burn slow and are sold during Christmas season. Instead of sacrificing humans we just burn the yule logs to represent human sacrifice to Nimrod Dec. 25.

Oh and Santa Claus rather Saint Nicholas the Patron Saint of Children a Roman Catholic Saint whom many pray to. Santa was a demon with a tail that scared the children so they changed the image into the jolly Saint Nicholas whom so many will (LIE) and deceive their own children telling them this Roman Catholic Saint is the actual one that came through the chimney and brought them their toys and Christmas presents.

The Old WINTER SOLSTICE CHRISTMAS is very old holiday it clearly started as a celebration of the passing of the Winter Solstice, and the start of the Sun’s return journey from the north to south. So we have 2 Occult practices that would be joined into one. (1) Is the Nativity or birth of spring and the (2) Sun God Worship. Saturnalia Festival December 17 – January 1st. Greek and Roman Mythology label Hercules as Molech and He was introduced as Saturn by the Romans. This is where Saturnalia derives. Which brings us to the Winter Solstice. Which is basically where the Sun and earth is farthest apart from Dec. 21- Dec. 24 and on the 25 it’s called the Sun’s Birthday or Satan’s Birthday since they call Satan the Sun god because of the center of the Universe they claim. The Babylonian Worship of Molech which came down through the Greeks and Romans through Roman Emperor Diocletian; his Successor in 307 C.E. Constantine Worshiped Mithras the Sun god and even using the emblem of the invincible Sun on his banners. Same Constantine in 321 CE set Sunday the 1st day of the week the day of worship when the Original Sabbath day was always the 7th day of the week Saturday. He wanted Sunday because of the Sun God as that is where the day Sunday gets its name after the Sun god.

Now let me explain “MITHRAISM” Or Sun Worship the Romans became acquainted with Mithraism in 66 BC as captured Cilician Pirates introduced Mithraism to the Romans. In the earliest millennium, the great mother goddess was a symbol of procreation and fertility and was worshipped in every corner of the world. This Mother goddess was a picture as the sun and earth and her consort as the moon and the natural elements. The Babylonians, in their popular religion, worshipped a goddess mother and son. From Babylon this worship of mother and child spread to the ends of the earth.

The Original Babylonian mother goddess was Semiramis. The little child in her arms was Ninus, signified as the son was also signified as her husband. This was Semiramis and Nimrod. In Egypt they were worshipped and called Isis and her son/husband as Osiris. In India called Isi and Iswara, in Asia Cybele and Deoius, Pagan Rome worshiped Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, In Greece Ceres the Great Mother of Irene the goddess of peace, and Plutus the boy, In Tibet, China, Japan had prototypes of this fornication and abomination which GOD hates!

     In this ancient act of Sun worship, women would ceremonially weep until Nimrod –Tammuz was reincarnated as the Evergreen Tree. Nimrod’s Birthday was December 25th.

In Egypt, Osiris, the Sun God, the son/husband of Isis was born on December 25th. In the Syrian Mystery Religion, Astarte- Semiramis wept over Adois-Nimrod. The birthday of Adonis, the sun God of Ancient Persia, was celebrated on December 25th. Tree Worship and celebrating a birthday on December 25th certainly did NOT START IN THE CHRISTIAN ERA.

     Mithraism, or Persian Sun God worship was a well-known religion in JESUS day. The Romans became acquainted with this religion about 200 b.c.e., by the year 200 c.e., it was popular in the Roman armies. Mithras was a manifestation of the power of the sun. The emblem of Mithras read: Sol Invictus–the  Invincible Sun. Mithraism was a rival of Christianity!

     So now we have Scripture and History as Scripture tells us plainly not to put the Christmas tree up or celebrate it as many do not understand that this is Idolatry and bringing an old Idol in their home. JESUS will never accept these Idols into our Worship. This is what Pastors are not teaching the people but instead they are allowing these Idols to be placed in Christianity thinking that if enough people do it GOD will overlook them and go on and accept them. We must remember GOD is a JEALOUS GOD and told us to have NO other gods before HIM! This is a commandment HE gave us! We cannot get around it. But IT’S JUST FOR THE CHILDREN THE PARENTS AND PREACHERS CLAIM!! Lying during Christmas time is not really LYING the Preacher and Parents claim!! ALL Liars will have their part in a lake that burn with hell fire and brimstone! Revelation 21:8.

This message is so Great Satan has tried to pervert it but we are getting back on the right track!

Jeremiah 10:1-5   1] Hear ye the Word which the LORD speaketh unto you O house of Israel. 2] Thus saith the LORD, learn {NOT} the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3] For the Customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe, 4] they deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5] They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go, be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

The Prophet Jeremiah is coming against the worship of the Evergreen tree (Christmas tree). GOD is warning HIS people do not have anything to do with it as it is evil.

Now one will say what the BIG DEAL is! The Big issue here is Disobedience to GOD! Willfully breaking the Commandments. Hebrews 10:26 If we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. Revelation 8:4 Come out of her MY people!! GOD is calling the church in the last days out of Idolatry! For many this call will be too great they will hold on to the idols as their love for GOD will not be greater than their love to go along with family and friends. Remember the Crowd screamed give us Barabbas and crucify this JESUS!! So many thought they loved JESUS but found out they were really not that in to HIM as they thought as they went alone with the Crowd, their family and friend, and church! They left HIM to die alone on a cross while they sat cheering with their friends! Oh what one does when it’s peer pressure, what one does to fit in! Now the question is will YOU deny HIM or will YOU obey HIM? Everyone knew Barabbas was a Murderer! They knew JESUS was innocent. Everyone knows that lying about a Santa Claus is wrong and the Tree is devil worship but who will stand for the LORD? 

GOD warns us for a reason and purpose so we want be deceived. As long as there is Idols in the camp there will be cancers and sickness and disease killing the Christians. We will stay in bondage to sickness and disease! Remember there was NOT {one} feeble person among the tribe.  Under Moses, Moses and Joshua had a system when sickness entered the camp they stopped everything and searched the camp; every tent would be searched until they found the Idol.  Psalms 105:37.  Once they removed the Idol out of the camp the sickness and disease would leave. We have invited sickness and death by holding on to the Idols. The Preachers have compromised because they don’t want to offend anyone and they leave the church! Then when the people leave the MONEY leaves! So for the sake of MONEY many will not tell you the Truth, but I have to Minister Truth because we have to stop Satan. We cannot stop him living in disobedience. We cannot go to the level and place GOD has ordained for the Church when we are walking in disobedience.

      Now 2018 GOD is calling HIS people into a Spiritual place in HIM, where we have never been before and JESUS desires to pour out HIS Spirit and Power upon the Church; but it cannot be poured out upon our Idolatry, and Disobedience. It’s simply a time and season for us to Grow Up! Most will know that I am telling the Truth but many do not love GOD enough to break away from the Idols. In other word many love GOD but NOT that much it will be too big of a price for so many. But the LORD JESUS gave HIS LIFE for us can we not give up a Christmas tree and pagan worship?

The Covenant and Promise is a simple one in Exodus 15:26 And said, {IF} thou diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy GOD, and wilt do that which is right in HIS sight, and wilt give ear to HIS commandments, and keep all HIS statues, I WILL PUT NONE OF THESE DISEASES UPON THEE, Which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD THAT HEALTETH THEE!!  This is our Covenant and GOD can not lie IF we hearken to the LORD and keep HIS commandments HE will be our Healer; and keep the sickness, and disease off the people of GOD. We cannot hold on to the promise of this WORD if we are in disobedience. We have seen this from the beginning with Adam and Eve as when GOD says don’t do something HE means just that! It does not matter how the Minister try to make it right, or the parent! “Let GOD be TRUE and every man a liar” Romans 3:4.

I have sat in services where the Ministers taught it was evil; but said they were going to put there tree up any way! Other services where the Ministers lie and claim it’s ok because they are turning it into GOD worship instead of Satan worship, and many Parents say it’s really for the children, we know it’s wrong but it’s for the children and GOD will understand us lying and putting this idol in our home and disobeying HIM, and breaking the commandments. 

     Let me tell you about a story I was told years ago. It was a little girl that asks her Mother why she cut the butt off of the ham the end part. Her Mother said I don’t know my Mother use to do this ask your Grandma! The little girl asked her Grandma, saying Grandma, Momma said to ask you why you cut the butt off the end of the ham before you put it in the oven. Her Grandma said baby I don’t know; my Mother use to do it. Ask your Great Grandma. The little girl said Great Grandma I ask Mama and Grandma why they cut the butt off the end of the ham before they put it in the oven and they don’t know. Grandma said she saw you do it and she started doing it, and told me to ask you. Great Grandma said well-baby when I was a child the oven was so small. It was so small the ham would not fit so I had to cut the end off of the ham so it would fit in the small oven. Now they have giant size ovens and they were still doing this because of tradition. They never stopped to ask why; or investigate! Now is a time where we are stopping to investigate to find Truth.

Matthew 15:3 JESUS asked “”” Why do ye also transgress the commandment of GOD by your tradition??

Matthew 15:6 “””Thus have ye made the commandment of GOD of none effect by your tradition. 7] Ye hypocrites,””

8] This people draweth nigh unto ME with their mouth, and honoreth ME with their lips, but their heart is far from ME. 9] But in vain do they worship me, “”.

Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no gods before ME, 4] Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything”””5] Thou shalt NOT bow down thyself to them: nor serve them: for I THE LORD thy GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD,””.

Acts 17:30 and the times of this ignorance GOD winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:

Our Ancestors = Great Grandfathers and Grandmothers, and many Christian Ministers in the past put up Christmas Trees and celebrated Christmas on December 25th. But GOD winked at their ignorance as they were sincere but simply did not know Satan had deceived them with Pagan idols. Many did not know the Evergreen Tree was worship as Nimrod reincarnated, nor did they know the Easter bunny, and Eggs were Pagan sex gods of Fertility. But now we have come to an age of advance Technology and TRUTH is being revealed. What I am saying is one can simply now Google “The History of Christmas” and find out simple “Truth” about the Pagan holiday. If we sin willfully there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 10:26

     We as the Church have to grow up. Yes we were deceived but now Truth has come and we shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make us FREE. John 8:32.  1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child,  I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Hebrew 6:1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of CHRIST let us go on to Perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance of dead works, and of faith toward GOD. The bible teaches us we have to Grow and evolve. This is exactly where we are in 2018 it’s time to go to the next level; and Now worship GOD in Spirit and in {TRUTH}!

     John 4:22 YE Worship YE KNOW NOT WHAT: we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews. 23] But the hour cometh and now is, WHEN THE {TRUE WORSHIPPERS} SHALL WORSHIP THE FATHER IN SPIRIT AND IN {TRUTH}: for the FATHER seeketh such to Worship HIM. The TRUE WORSHIPPERS will seek and find Truth and worship GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH! JESUS said they know HIS voice and a stranger they will not follow. John 10:4, 5. As we get back to worshipping JESUS in SPIRIT and in TRUTH we can drive the devil out, cancer and sickness has to go! Glory we have to turn back to Truth and get rid of the Idols, we have to get the Idols out of the camp, we have to put Satan out, and the Glory and power of GOD will return back to the Church, the people of GOD will see Miracles like they have never seen before, the Dead will be Raised, the Power of GOD WILL RETURN! Glory!!!! The TRUTH is going to make us free; the Truth is going to drive Satan out Glory!!! I believe this with all of my heart! It’s time to be what GOD has ordained us to be and that is a people that take a stand for TRUTH, AND WORSHIP OUR LORD JESUS IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. A time to stop the Christmas and Santa Claus lying; and put the Idol {Tree} out, and get our families healed! Let’s go to the next level in GOD! GOD is waiting on us, Power, and a Fresh Anointing is waiting on us but we have to Worship Our GOD in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!!

Now this Newsletter is not to condemn anyone but to show us TRUTH that will make us free and liberate our families from bondage, oppression, sickness, and disease! Satan has infiltrated Christianity and sown tares and deceitful lies, he has brought in Idols, and deceived the whole world; and many of the Preachers have become dumb dogs that want bark! Isaiah 56:10 they will not warn the people and show them this evil but has sold them out for Money, filthy lucre! II Corinthians 11:13-15 Speaks of the false Apostles working for Satan and pretending to be ministers of Righteousness; and deceiving the people! Far too many deaths under the New Covenant.

Psalms 105:37 HE brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. Not ONE sick person out of 3 and 1/2 Million people under Moses watch, the Old Covenant.

Joshua 7:11 Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the ACCURSED THING, and have stolen, and dissembled also, and they have put it even among their own stuff. 12] Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, because they were accursed: neither will I be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed from among you.

Deuteronomy 7:25 the graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy GOD. 26] Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.

Exodus 15:26 GOD PROMISED none of the sickness and disease would be on GOD’S people as we know GOD cannot lie but we have to keep our part of the covenant by keeping the Holy Commandments. Then we can hold GOD to HIS WORD AND Put JESUS IN REMEMBRANCE AS HE ASKED US TO DO IN Isaiah 43:26!

Psalms 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all HIS BENEFITS: 3] Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who HEALETH {ALL} thy Diseases; 4] Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who Crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies, 5] Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things: so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles.

All of these promises belong to the believers that is why the enemy has planted Idols so that we will not inherit all that GOD has for us. A benefit for just being a Christian is our Healing and health!

Isaiah 59:1 Behold the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, nor HIS ear heavy, that it cannot hear, 2] But Your iniquities have separated between you and your GOD, and your sins has hid HIS face from You, that HE will not hear.

John 3:19 “”and Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Many will hold on to their Idols and never grow or evolve; but the True Worshippers will not allow sin to hinder them any longer from receiving the blessings and Ministry JESUS has for them. It’s a time for the Church to mature and become Powerful again. There must be Balm in Gilead again, there must be Bread in Bethel again, and now is the time and season for Restoration. A time for Sickness to be driven out! Time for you and your love ones to be made whole!

So behind all of the lies and Idolatry is the Greatest Story Ever Told. But it’s buried beneath the Idolatry and Lies. Many will try to deceive you by trying to twist and manipulate you. But remember the LORD JESUS said in Matthew 24:4 Take heed that NO MAN DECEIVE YOU!!! Remember that we have to Worship GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH! And OBEDIENCE is always better than sacrifice!

1] Genesis 2:17 GOD said “”” Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Thou shalt “NOT” eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. One sin of eating the fruit brought in Death, brought in Sickness, Disease, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Typhoons, Tsunamis, The animal kingdom turned against mankind, Snakes began to bite, Lions and wild animals began to attack man we could go on and on but we only have to go to the Children’s Hospital or the Mental wards to see just how serious ONE SIN actually was.

2] GOD told King Saul to go and kill everyone and everything but Saul DISOBEYED the LORD and did it his way! I Samuel 15:26, 27 “”” for thou hast rejected the Word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being King over Israel.

I Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt-offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD?? Behold, TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE, AND TO HEARKEN THAN THE FAT OF RAMS. 23] For Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, HE hath also rejected thee from being King. GOD rent the Kingdom away from Saul because Saul did things his way he want to sacrifice the sheep and oxen to GOD which sounds good but that was not what the LORD told him to do. His orders were to destroy all of them and the King!

3] II Samuel 6:6 “” Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of GOD, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. 7] And the Anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and GOD smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of GOD.

Basically here GOD had given orders that only the Priest were to carry the Ark. Here they have oxen pulling it on a cart. It started to fall over and Uzzah tried to catch it and stop it from falling over and GOD killed him! Again they were trying to do it their way!!

Let NO Man deceive you!! II Corinthians 11:13-15 the question one has to ask is why is so many ministers not telling the Truth?? Why are they going along with a lie??? The bible calls them false Prophets! Moses and Joshua would have one stoned or killed for putting up a Christmas tree which is an Idol. It was just that serious to keep death and sickness out of the camp. Remember there was NOT ONE FEEBLE PERSON AMONG THEIR TRIBE! They kept the idols out and the sickness and disease stayed out!

1 Kings 22nd Chapter speaks of Micaiah he was the ONE Prophet that went against all of the others. Verse 21 and there came forth a lying spirit and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him. 22] And the LORD said unto him wherewith? And he said I WILL GO FORTH, AND I WILL BE A LYING SPIRIT IN THE MOUTH OF ALL HIS PROPHETS!! WOW!!!   Remember Satan Deceived the whole world!! Revelation 12:9

    But the REAL story of Christmas is about a Virgin having a Baby. Isaiah 7:14 says this baby is Immanuel meaning GOD with us! Isaiah 9:6 says this baby is the MIGHTY GOD!! THE EVERLASTING FATHER!! THE PRINCE OF PEACE! HE came to die and save a lost World. HE suffered and died for the Worse sinners, the poorest person on Earth, He came to destroy cancer, and every sickness and every disease. HE came to conquer death, hell and the grave! Death is swallowed up in Victory as HE whipped death defeated the grave as it could not hold HIM I Corinthians 15:54-55. This Baby Boy born of a Virgin, born to be KING, 100% man! 100% GOD HE is Emmanuel = GOD WITH US!! HE had so much LOVE HE allowed them to beat HIM and to hang HIM on a cross! When HE died He went to hell and preached to the spirits there that had never heard the name JESUS before! JESUS after 3 days came out of hell with a Great Cloud of witnesses, HE went back to heaven to present HIS BODY on the Altar as a sacrifice for Mankind, A once and for all sacrifice they would not have to kill bulls and goats every year any more as HE would be the Ultimate Sacrifice for all sins and anyone that want forgiveness would not have to go to a Priest, Pope, Preacher but they could call on the name of JESUS GLORY! It does not matter how bad the person was forgiveness is only a prayer away redemption only a prayer away, salvation only a prayer away!

     Then he came back to Earth and Shewed HIMSELF Alive with many Infallible proofs for 40 days walking around Ministering and doing all kinds of Miracles! Doubting Thomas put your finger in the holes in MY side and feet, give ME something to eat as I am ALIVE, I AM Real, I AM IMMANUEL GOD WITH YOU! I’m not a ghost I AM ALIVE!! 40 Days of Miracles and showing HIMSELF ALIVE and then on HIS way back to heaven being received up HE told the disciples go and tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with Power! GO tarry until you receive the HOLYGHOST! Luke 24:49.  As I AM with you but shall be IN YOU! HE would then pour out HIS SPIRIT upon them and within them and they would speak with other tongues as they were filled with the HOLYGHOST not a 3rd person of the trinity but this is JESUS CHRIST within the disciples! Colossians 1:27 Says CHRIST IN YOU the hope of Glory! This is JESUS now living inside of the Believers to empower them to live for GOD and to be a LIVING TESTIMONY, living Epistles read of all men. JESUS alive and living now in the Believers to give Life and hope to humanity, JESUS in Peter, in Paul, in John, in YOU to bring Healing, Life, and Salvation! This is the Greatest Story Ever Told as JESUS IS ALIVE TODAY! HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOT FORSAKE YOU; HE WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAY EVEN UNTO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD! WHATEVER YOU FACE IN LIFE YOU ARE NOT FACING IT ALONE AS HE IS IMMANUEL = GOD WITH US!  God is coming against TREE WORSHIP, Isaiah 44:19.  Shall I fall down to the stock of a TREE?

                                                                        Respectfully Yours

                                                                        God’s Servant and Handmaid

                                                                        Bro. Derrick & Sis. Janice


GOD SERVANTS = Bro. Derrick & Sis. Janice

Other sources of books and history regarding Truth

= True Stories about Christmas = House of Yahweh

= The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume II (1943-1973 under Christmas says “”

= Book of Christmas, by William Sansom, McGraw-Hill, 1968, pages 28-29 “”

= Collier’s Encyclopedia, 1980 volume16, pages 349-350 tells use of these Ancient Mystery Religions

= Collier’s Encyclopedia, 1980 Volume 9, page 431 says Roman Religion and the Emergence of Christianity

= The Last Million Years, By the Readers Digest Association, 1971, pages 116-11 says: by the 2nd century “”

= Collier’s Encyclopedia, 1980, Volume 21, page 632

= The Last Million Years by the Readers Digest Association, 1971, pages 217-218

= Unger’s Bible Dictionary, pages 493, tells us Hittie religion is a grand medley of Egyptian and Babylonian deities “””

= Unger’s Bible Dictionary, page 416 Molech “”””

= The Concise Encyclopedia of Greeks and Roman Mythology, by Sabine G. Ostwalt, page 261, under Saturnus we find “”

= The Encyclopedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, under Saturnalia, says “”

= Holidays around the World, by Joseph Gaer 1953, page 133 says The Old Winter Solstice “”

= The Book of Holidays, by J. Walker McSpadden, 1958 pages 183-184

= Unger’s Bible Dictionary on page 415, show us Gad, “””     =Troop is translated from Hebrew word Gad = Idol Jupiter

= Unger’s Bible Dictionary on page 416 Me’ni  “”

= Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, word #4507, says “”

According to Hislop, Gad refers to the Sun-God, and Meni the Moon-God The people offered sacrifices to these gods in Isaiah 65:11

= Holidays around the World, By Joseph Gaer, 1953, page 137 says “””

= Collier’s Encyclopedia, Volume 6, 1980 page 404 “””

= The Book of Holidays, by Walker McSpadden page 7-8

= Holidays around the World, by Joseph Gaer, pages 138-139 “”

= The TWO Babylon’s by Alexander Hislop, 1959, pages 209-210 tell us about the Key Janus:

= Collier’s Encyclopedia, 1980, volume 20, page 449, “”

= Gods and Mortals in Classical Mythology, Michael Grant and John hazel, 1973, pages 124-125, tell us more about Kronus

= A Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions, by Geoffrey Parrinder, 1971 page 245 says “””

= Strange Stories, Amazing Fact, by the Readers Digest Association, 1980, pages 283-284 “””” 

= The Universal Reference Encyclopedia, 1948, under Christmas

This is just a few references that will help reveal Truth: