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August 12, 2022

Job 22:28 Thou shalt also DECREE a thing and it shall be established unto thee:

Here GOD is letting us know that all we have to do is DECREE a thing and it shall be established. It’s going to come together and work out. Notice how GOD puts this Power and Authority in the mouth of the Believers!!

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue:

Again GOD is putting the Power of Death and LIFE in the Power of your tongue! So what we say can hurt us, and what we say can make the difference in life and death for us or our love ones. The Power of Life and Death is placed in the Tongue of the Believer!

Proverbs 6:2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

The very things we say ensnare us; and put us in bondage! So what we say makes all the difference in the world; and the difference between life, and death.

Romans 8:28 All things work together for GOOD to them that LOVE GOD, to them who are the called according to HIS Purpose.

Mark 11:22 Have FAITH in GOD!

2nd Cor. 5:7 For We walk by FAITH, not by sight!

Genesis 22:1-14

We have to speak it!!  We have to say it out of our mouth! The same way we get our Salvation by Confessing with our mouth, and believing in our heart that the LORD JESUS has forgiven us of our sins, and accepting HIM as our LORD and Savior!! The same way now we must Decree and simply believe it to be done and it is so!

Thou shalt also Decree a thing and it shall be established! Now GOD’S word cannot lie, fail, or return void it has to accomplish that which it was sent out to do.

Our part is to Decree a thing! It means to speak into existence! GOD is going to back us up; as our role is to speak it by Faith! GOD’S role is to establish it, and to make whatever YOU Decree become a living Reality! Glory! We have to do our part; and start Decreeing, and GOD said HE WILL ESTABLISH IT AND MAKE IT SO! GLORY! I feel a witness while I am typing this to you I feel GOD wanting right now to answer your Decree. HE wants to establish it! To cause your Decree to become a living Reality!! Hallelujah!!

Once we do our part by Decreeing, we then simply believe, as we don’t have to worry about GOD doing HIS part! Its Already done in the Spiritual realm once we Decree it. It’s done in the name of JESUS, we are now simply waiting on the Manifestation of what we have decreed to Manifest itself as it is Already So in the Spiritual realm! Only BELIEVE! Glory! Only Believe!

To Decree means to command yes GOD has given the Believer Power to Decree or command.  Isaiah 45:11   Says “Command ye ME concerning the works of my hands”. To Command is to Direct Authority, to Dominate, To Govern, To Order, To order Publicly issued by Authority! GOD is telling us here in Isaiah 45:11 to be Earnest in our request and Confident in your expectation! Yes we have no reason to doubt JESUS has a Perfect track record!! In the 12th verse here JESUS says I have made the Earth, and Created man upon it: I, even MY hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.  Wow this is Awesome as GOD is telling us first to Command Ye ME concerning the works of MY hand! Let ME know what you need ME to do for You GOD is saying! And that HE is the ONE that is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and commands the Host of Heaven. HE is saying I am God and I am the Authority That gave you the Power to Command and Decree so realize I am God and Able to back up whatever you decree or command and there is no power or authority greater than me! So Decree it and I am the one that will establish it, command ye me and I will be the one responsible for your decree and command being manifested and established GLORY!

GOD is setting his People in a place of power and authority!  Whatever you decree whatever you bind on earth; whatever you loosen on earth; whatever you ask in my name it will be done: behold I give “You” Power Jesus Said.  Dearly beloved this is the greatest time for the Believer as so many do not have to die so many love ones can be raised up if we will receive the Revelation and Spirit of this Word and Message. With GOD “All” things are Possible!

GOD is right Now restoring Power back to His Church, Shiloh is coming, The glory is being restored, The power is coming back to the people of God! GLORY! The People of GOD will see miracles like they have never seen before and witness the Impossible become Possible! Now we will see the Glory and Salvation of the LORD! GOD is showing His people that their covenant with Him as their LORD gives them Power. Power to Decree a thing and it shall be established!

In Genesis 22 we see the story of Abraham, the Father of Faith, here he is going to the Mountain to sacrifice Isaac HIS only son by Sarah. The one GOD has promised HIM that for in Isaac shall thy seed be called! Genesis 17:21 But MY Covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year! This Covenant Abraham would hold on to as he went to sacrifice His son. For this was the Son that GOD had promised that His promises would flow through; Kings, and a people more Numerous than the stars in the sky would all come through Isaac!

Genesis 22:5 Abraham told his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the Lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you! WOW! In other words I TRUST GOD! I am going to go up this Mountain and kill my son, I am going to cut his throat, and then sacrifice him to GOD. But I am going to come back down the mountain with him! Abraham is Totally Trusting GOD. HE is saying I am going to do my part, and I am going to Trust GOD to do His part. I am not going to worry about how GOD is going to put the ashes back together, and how HE will raise my son back up. I do know that GOD promised me through Isaac my son right here I would be blessed!! Glory we worry about the wrong thing; as we are to just focus on our part and not worry about GOD’S part!! We Must develop a mindset that after we do our part; that we are confident that GOD is going to do HIS part!  Abraham Speaks Faith; he is walking now by FAITH! The Power of life and death is in the tongue! And if We Decree a thing GOD will establish it! But WE HAVE TO DO OUR PART!

Then Isaac says in verse (7) My Father and Abraham said here am I My Son. And he said Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? (8) And Abraham said, My Son, GOD will provide HIMSELF a lamb for a burnt offering: Again Abraham is Speaking Faith, and Decreeing! It’s not HE might; or I hope so, but GOD WILL PROVIDE HIMSELF A LAMB!! Abraham is Decreeing by Faith! The Power of life and death in the tongue!  Abraham Decrees it, He speaks it into existence! Once He Decrees, GOD establishes it to be so. It becomes a living Reality!! As Abraham draws the knife back to slay his son, GOD stops him and informs him not to slay Isaac, but instead there is a Ram in the Bush! Glory there is a Ram in the bush for YOU! GOD already has a way out HE knows the end before the beginning. Meaning before you were born GOD made a Promise that if YOU Decree a thing HE would establish it! GOD cannot lie. But HE has been waiting on the believers to come to the point where they can put sense knowledge down, all fear, and unbelief down; and say LORD I am getting out of my boat of doubt, and unbelief and I am going to walk on the waters by FAITH! Glory! Victory is yours and living for JESUS is going to be so much fun! JESUS wants to take you on an adventure that will change your life and blow your mind!!

I remember telling my wife this about 3 times after GOD gave me this message. She said I am decreeing and I would say again I need you to decree with me! Then I began to talk to her about how important this was and said Baby I am counting on you to Decree things with me and GOD has told me it will be done!! She started decreeing and began to tell me how she got a phone call at 5:30 one morning from a couple that wanted to be a Blessing to us and then she began to tell me how GOD was doing this and GOD was doing that and how she should have been Decreeing all alone! You see the revelation of this Word fell on us and the Spirit of it and we are Believing GOD to heal people of stage 4 cancer and we don’t care whether its stage 44 GOD said Decree a thing and I will establish it! My wife and I GOD has given us a love for people and we are praying for people sick and dying every day as the need is so Great but this past few weeks of decreeing we feel the Elements and demons of evil in the atmosphere being driven back we feel a Revival coming!! Why because we DECREED IT AND GOD JUST CAN’T LIE! we are believing GOD to raise up people all over the world  it don’t matter how sick or what the Doctors have told them it’s time for the World to see the Power of JESUS CHRIST our King of Kings and Lord OF Lords, THE ALMIGHTY GOD! GLORY!! Whatever your need is I want you to believe this word get your bible out and read over these scriptures and believe as we are going to Believe and Decree with you that whatever Your need is that it will be done. We only ask that everyone Repent first of every sin as we don’t want anything in the way because Jesus has a miracle for you.

Let us Pray for you right now FATHER IN THE NAME OF JESUS we ask YOU to touch YOUR people FATHER YOU Declared if we Decree a thing YOU would establish it and we simply Love YOU LORD and Believe YOUR WORD we refuse to doubt it give us the Power and strength and Faith to Decree that YOU may Establish our Decrees for we know that you are a GOD that cannot lie! Help us to believe Totally when we Decree let there be no doubt FATHER let the sick be healed when we decree let the dead be raised let every bill be paid and those that are in process of losing their homes and businesses turn it all around as we decree FATHER bring that child, that Mother or family member out of the hospital restore them to their family members let them be made whole let the World know that there is Balm in Gilead again that there is healing in the house of GOD! IN YOUR NAME JESUS WE BELIEVE WE TRUST YOU TO DO THE MIRACULOUS! FATHER bless all of those that are praying with me and my Wife on this email  touch them and touch their lives as they Decree my wife and I agree with them according to Matthew 18:19 and we believe their Decree to be ALREADY DONE IN YOUR NAME JESUS WE PRAY AMEN! God is faithful and he will not change his word and we believe God that you will established what your servants and handmaids have decreed.  Jesus we love you and believe your word all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

                                                                                 GOD Servants Bro. Derrick & Sis. Jan