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January 24, 2022

Scriptures throughout the Book of Esther,  2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 27:17-18, Dan. 5:2, Psalms 7:15-16, 9:15-16, 23:5, 105:16, 110:1, 126:1, Proverbs 13:22, 16:18, 21:1, Malachi 3:16, Matthew 11:19, Luke 16:7, Acts 5:29, Romans 4:20, 8:28, 2 Timothy 4:2,

     King Ahasuerus reign over 127 Provinces from India to Ethiopia.  He sat on his throne in Shushan the palace. In the 3rd year of his reign he called for a Giant Feast unto all his princes and his servants. He showed the Riches of his glorious kingdom. His Queen Vashti made a feast for the women in the royal house. It was {Not} customary for the Persians women to mingle together with the men. He had a Very Beautiful Queen name Vashti. While the King entertains the men, Vashti entertained the women as the Persian women stressed Modesty. Not as we saw with Herod having the young women dancing before him, or Belshazzar, whose wives and concubines drank with them.  Dan. 5:2, or other Kings where the races mingle together to party! Here there was no mixed dancing for the Gentlemen and Ladies!  Now once the King got merry with wine, he commanded the 7 chambermaids to bring Queen Vashti before him with the Royal Crown to show the people and the princes her beauty for she was fair to look upon!

     Queen Vashti refused to come! The King dishonored his wife and diminished himself to get drunk, and then ask his wife to be brought before all of these men. As this was against the Custom of the Persians as the Persian Women stressed Modesty! A husband is called to be the Protector, and covering for his wife; not to expose her to hundreds of drunk men for them to lust after her beauty! She refused as History says she was sent for several times but continually refused.  Although the King was wrong now he has to deal with the Woman being obedient to her husband. She should have come if only for obedience sake at the many request of her husband! This could have been easily squashed had it been just between the 2 of them! Now we have 127 Provinces there! Many of the Men will feel the woman disrespected her husband. Now I do want to say here that a woman is not to sin or obey a husband or Government when it is against the WORD of GOD! We Must Obey GOD rather than man. Acts 5:29  Here in this situation I would say to Queen Vashti come if only to speak to your husband in person and let him know the reason etc., and then leave, finish talking at home away from the crowd.

      Now we have a Problem created because the Nobles and so many are now involved in their business! They tell the King that her example of disrespect will cause women everywhere to not respect their husbands. Something has to be done.  They decided to denounce Vashti as Queen! She loses everything! But there is a saying Favor is not fair! As GOD’s Divine Will and Plan for Your life will put YOU where you were born to be despite; who thinks someone else deserves it or is more qualified! GLORY! GOD’S providence serves its Own Purpose by it which was to make way for Esther to be Crown Queen!

     All things work together for the Good of them that LOVE THE LORD and are the called according to HIS PURPOSE! Romans 8:28. Now the Princes of Persia and Media which sat the first in his kingdom decided this was disrespect and to remove Vashti. To send throughout all of the 127 Provinces for the most beautiful virgins they could find as they would allow the King to choose a wife out of them to take the place of Vashti.

     Esther’s Cousin Mordecai would put Esther in this Beauty Contest. Both of her Parents were dead and Mordecai was raising her as his daughter. She was his Uncle’s Daughter. GOD gave Esther Favor! Esther 2:17 King Loved Esther above all the Women, and obtained Grace and Favor in his sight more than all the Virgins, so that he set the Royal Crown upon her head, and made her Queen instead of Vashti.

     Mordecai sat in the King’s gate, 2 of the King’s Chamberlains Bigthan and Teresh of those who kept the door, were wroth, and sought to lay hands on the King Ahasuerus to kill him this was an assassination plot. But Mordecai heard it and sent message to Queen Esther, and both of them were hanged on a tree. Queen Esther certified it in Mordecai’s name so he would get the credit for it.

     This caused Haman to be set above all the Princes that were with him, and the King’s servants, bowed and reverenced Haman. But Mordecai Bowed NOT! He did not reverence him.  Because he was a Jew! Some of the servants told Haman of this and he was furious! Haman had the King to stamp a decree that could destroy all those that refuse to keep the King’s Laws and in his rage he twisted this to his own hateful purpose. This was so that he could kill all the Jews and Mordecai! All of this because of his pride and wanting everyone to bow to him!

     Now in our time we have laws to murder unborn babies, even laws where people want to have the baby then murder the baby, laws regarding homosexuality, and transgender laws! Mordecai refused to bow and give reverence to Haman! Everyone has to take a stand simply for what is RIGHT!

     Letters were sent to all 127 Provinces to destroy, to kill, and cause to perish all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day of the 12th month and KEEP all of their belongings! Their homes and land and belongings you can keep once you Murder them. As this would be the spoils for you to keep! Wow! now one can see the evil and hatred in Haman! He wanted to kill little innocent children, and entire families.

     Mordecai put on sack cloth with ashes and cried with a loud bitter cry. In every Province the Jews began to cry and mourn unto GOD. Fasting, weeping, wailing and many in sackcloth and ashes!!!

     Mordecai sent a message to Queen Esther and explained to her what was going on! Queen Esther said she had not been invited into the inner Court and the penalty for entering was Death for anyone entering except such to whom the King shall hold out the Golden Sceptre, that he may live!!

     Mordecai explained if she holds her peace GOD will send Deliverance to the Jews from another place. But her and her Father’s house will be Destroyed and WHO KNOWS WHETHER THOU ARE COME INTO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS? He was saying now is not the time to get brand new! I know you got Gold and Silver and Diamonds, and servants, and is the Queen! But if you don’t help us GOD will send help from somewhere else but you will be destroyed! Here we see Mordecai’s Faith! He is not staggering at the Promises of GOD in unbelief but is STRONG IN FAITH! Romans 4:20 Professing that if you don’t help us GOD has a Ram in the bush, HE will provide a way of escape, HE will deliver, HE will come through! Glory! I get excited when I hear someone talking that kind of Faith talk! In the Midst of Trouble and Danger Threatening his life and all of the Jews He stands strong in his Faith Totally Trusting His GOD calling things that are not as though they were! Mordecai is saying Esther if you don’t help us GOD is not limited to just you! Now this is very important because we get tunnel vision and one dimensional! But we must realize GOD’S ways are not like ours and HIS thoughts not like our thoughts. And if there is not a way JESUS will make a Way as HE is the WAY! HE can still open up your ocean and let you pass through on dry ground! HE can still lock the hungry Lyons’s jaws as HE did for Daniel, and still can take the burn out of the fire and the fire out of the burn as HE did for the Hebrew boys! Mordecai totally REFUSES to limit GOD to just Queen Esther! We must stop limiting GOD IN OUR SITUATIONS! We must call those things that be not as though they were! Rom. 4:17 and start confessing Faith as GOD I don’t know how or when but I know that YOU are GOD and I TRUST YOU! Not the job or the bank, not the Doctor or the medicine! Instruments may fail but GOD’S Covenant won’t! The WORD is forever settle in heaven! Heaven and Earth shall pass away but the Word shall not pass away!

     But Esther knows that YOU and Your father’s house will be destroyed but GOD will send deliverance to HIS people. You have to Remember Queen Esther beneath all the luxury and Crown and Royal apparel that you are a Jew also! Queen Esther had a wakeup call at that moment and realized she was not exempt but her life was on the line also! Mordecai said and who knows WHETHER THOU ART COME INTO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!! Esther this could be the Reason why you were chosen to be Queen. I know you might think it’s because of your beauty! I know some think they got the job because they were so good at what they do. But could you be where you are because GOD placed you there for such a time as this. Can we step back and look at this picture and see that while we are looking at ourselves in the Picture it could be GOD in the picture this could be HIS PLAN AND HIS WILL HIS DIVINE PROVISION! All planned out to bring an expected end!

     Queen Esther came to herself and realized this was Destiny the Divine Province of GOD it was not that she was so lucky or so good but because she was so blessed by GOD, because GOD had a Master plan and with HIS love and Mercy HE remembered her and HE has remembered YOU and me! HE could have chosen someone else! But GOD chose YOU! Esther Faith began to rise and her courage rose and she said get all the Jews to fast for me for 3 days and nights, no food or water, and I am going to the King and If I Perish I Perish!! If I die I die but I have to die fighting for a cause, I have to die living out my destiny, I have to die taking a stand, trying to help my people! Glory!

     First thing Esther does here is get everyone to pray and fast! Let’s get GOD in the center of our problem! Faith is expressed here as Esther Believed GOD’S favor obtained by Prayer and Fasting. She is standing between hope and fear and praying for a Favorable Reception that the King will hold out the Golden Sceptre when she enters the Inner Court! If not she dies!!

Note = Now Haman an Agagite Says the historian Josephus. Saul the son of Kish a Benjamite spared Agag when GOD had ordered him to destroy him. But Mordecai the son of Kish a Benjamite Chapter 2:5 shall find no mercy with this Agagite. Who want to destroy all of the Jews!

     The fast is successful and everyone is crying out to GOD!  If MY People which are called by MY Name will humble themselves and pray! 2nd Chronicles 7:14,  Queen Esther enters the inner Courts, she is nervous and afraid the King saw her and raised the Golden Scepter asking what is her request it shall be given thee to the half of my Kingdom! She has not even asked yet! The King said he will give it to her up to half of his kingdom! GOD is able to do Exceedingly, Abundantly, and Above all we can ask or Think! Ephesians 3:20 The Fasting and Praying of her and her People has touched the heart of GOD and GOD has touched the King. As the heart of the King is in his hand HE turns it like the rivers of waters! Prov. 21:1

Shall not GOD avenge HIS OWN Elect, which cry day and night unto HIM, though HE bears long with them? Luke 16:7

     Now Esther has the favor of the King but the King’s Favorite and right hand man is her enemy and the enemy of her people! But Wisdom is justified of all of her children. Matthew 11:19 The King ask what is your Petition or request?  She says she will tell him later after a dinner she has had prepared for him and she ask him to bring Haman to the dinner. Wisdom here as neither the King nor Haman knows what is going on! The King probably is glad she was thoughtful of his right hand man. And Haman went home Boasting and Bragging to his family and friends he was so excited! He brags to them how the Queen invited (HIM) to be there in the dinner for the King OH HOW SPECIAL HE MUST BE as Pride lifts him up so high! His friends tells him to have someone make the Gallows 50 cubits high and hang Mordecai and tomorrow speak to the King and have Mordecai hung! As everything is going so well and you do not need to be troubled any more just get rid of him as we are so tired of you being worried and upset!! Oh this sounds like a Great idea and he will get rid of Mordecai once and for all! Oh what a time to Celebrate as everything seem to be coming together perfectly!

     But while he was having the Gallows made to hang Mordecai THE KING COULD NOT SLEEP!  As when we pray GOD works and causes things to come together in our favor! Glory when we work, we work but when we pray, GOD works, so who can get the most done?  Stop worrying; and Pray and watch GOD show up, and show out in your life and situation! The King not being able to sleep commanded to bring the book of Records! Here He finds Mordecai Spared His Life when they were plotting the Assassination! WOW! Amazing how GOD leads him to this passage of the book!

He is now enquiring what Honor and Dignity had been done to Mordecai. What did we do for the man that Saved My Life?? What Reward did we Grant Him?  NOTHING had been done! And Mordecai had never asked for a Reward!

Now Haman failed to realize that this man that would not Bow to him was the man responsible for him being promoted. When Mordecai stopped the assassination this caused Haman to be promoted to the position he was in! This same man he was planning on having hung from the Gallows 50 cubits high so everyone could see him die! All because he would not bow to him. Every Jew would be murdered and their children and their home and property taken! All because they would not bow to him! Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Prov. 16:18 

    But GOD is an ON TIME GOD!! The old folks use to say HE may not come when you want him to but HE is an on time GOD! Haman is now going to the Palace and he is going to talk to the King about Hanging Mordecai! This is the perfect time he feels to finally get rid of him and all of the Jews! How dare they not bow to him! He will teach everyone a lesson!! No one will ever disrespect him again after this everyone will BOW IN REVERENCE TO HIM!

    GOD SETS THE STAGE AND TIMING PERFECTLY!!   He enters the inner court but GOD is already there and has already dealt with the King! GOD is always a step ahead of the devil! The King knows of Mordecai’s good Deed and His Integrity! The King realizes Mordecai was {NOT} awarded! The King asks Haman what shall be done to the man the King Delighted to Honor. The King knows nothing of Haman’s’ Quarrel and Plot to Murder Mordecai. Haman’s Pride goeth before destruction. Haman thinks the King is talking about Him! He tells the King let the Royal apparel be brought which the King useth to wear, the horse the King Rideth upon and the Crown which He set on his head. And let this be delivered by the Kings’ Most noble Princes and array the man withal of whom the King delights to Honor, by bringing him on horseback through the streets of the City.  The King said DO ALL THIS TO MORDECAI THE JEW

     GOD said HE would make our enemies our footstool! Psalms 110:1 That HE Preparest a table before us in the presence of our enemies! Psalms 23:5   So Haman does this and takes Mordecai through the City Proclaiming Him. Can You Imagine the Man that Haman Hates the Most, He is the one taking Him through the City and people are bowing to this man? And Haman is the one showing him Off to Everyone. Mordecai on the Kings Horse, the Royal Clothing and Crown! All of this Haman ask the King to do thinking it would be done unto him but instead it is done for the man that Fears the LORD! Glory! 

     To Ride in State through the City was like a Parade and everyone had to Bow to Mordecai! Mordecai’s FAITH LEAPS as GOD is hearing the cries of HIS People and seeing their fasting! Mordecai took a stand and refuse to Bow to Haman.  Now the Whole City is bowing to him.

     Esther 6:12 The Same people that told Haman to prepare the Gallows and hang Mordecai, now tells him that thou shalt not prevail against him!

     Haman is sent for to come to the Banquet that is held for the King by His Queen Esther. The King and Haman meet at Esther’s table as the King has waited and wants to know what is the Petition she is Requesting so He can grant it!  He asks Queen Esther a 3rd time now to tell him as he is now very curious and wants to know. As He has Promised 3 times already to GRANT IT! Her petition was not of Wealth or Self Exaltation but Preservation of her life and of her Countrymen from Death and Destruction! She tells of one planning on killing her and all of her love ones. The King in his RAGE says WHO IS HE AND WHERE IS HE? That Durst presume in his heart to do so? She said the Adversary and Enemy is this Wicked Haman!! Remember Haman is sitting right there at the dinner table with them! She did this not behind his back but in front of his face! This is why she invited him! He bragged and boasted to his family and friends that he was invited, but had no clue what was taking place! Pride Goeth before Destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! Prov. 16:18 Queen Esther would be his Prosecutor and the King his Judge! One of the Chambermaids would say to the King the Gallows 50 cubits high which Haman had made for Mordecai who had spoken GOOD for the King, Standeth in the house of Haman. The King said HANG Him thereon! They Hung Haman on the Gallows. The wicked is snared in the work of his own hand. Psalms 7:15-16, 9:15-16

     The King gave the house of Haman to Esther, the King took off his Ring which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. Queen Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.  Proverbs 13:22, Job 27:17-18

Esther and Mordecai in tears, fasting, and praying and NOW Rejoicing! GOD turned everything around. He wants to do the same things for YOU! HE is the same Yesterday, Today and for Ever!

     Queen Esther requests that a decree be written to reverse the letter devised by Haman. This was done and the King was standing with the Jews against anyone that attacked them. He ordered them fight back and avenge themselves and whatever spoil was taken would be theirs to keep.

     The Jews then attacked their enemies and Queen Esther requested that the 10 sons of Haman be killed by hanging from the Gallows! They would kill over 75,000 of their enemies! What a Role Reversal! Those that Plotteth to kill the Jews and Possess their property is being killed and the Jews possess their Property and belongings. This was happening 12th Month about 13th, 14th which was the time that Haman had declared for the Jews to be attacked and Killed! Their enemies are being made their footstool; they are being made the head and not the tail! Glory GOD remembered the Jews!

     Malachi 3:16 says there was a Book of Remembrance written! YES there is a book of Remembrance Written and GOD has remembered all that you have done for the Kingdom of GOD! HE has seen all that you have been through and NOW is the time JESUS is remembering the Faithful and Steadfast! GOD has not forgotten about you and your labor of love! This is the Time and Season where GOD HIMSELF is remembering HIS People and those that will cry out unto HIM! It don’t matter how bad it’s been or how hard things have been as NOW GOD is remembering HIS People! Your time of Deliverance has come Your season of Jubilee is here, GOD is calling You out of your bondage, out of Your season of grief and sadness, HE is going to Give You Beauty for ashes and the oil of JOY for the Spirit of Mourning! NOW GOD is remembering HIS church. Salvation is coming to your Household, Deliverance and Victory for You and Your family is here!

     It’s your time and season as it’s a time and season of Deliverance and Healing and Restoration Spiritual, Physically, Financially and Emotionally! Some have been on the verge of a nervous breakdown; stressed out and worrying so much, but I am sent to bring {YOU} Good News.   Glory! That JESUS has come to make YOU Whole! That the LORD JESUS has come to Bless YOU and vindicates you! Your walls are coming down, Your Prison doors are opening, Your sickness is cursed, GOD is touching the lives of those you have shed many tears for its YOUR Time and Season!

     GOD here is showing HIMSELF to Be GOD in a time where the People of GOD are in another land scattered and in a land now surrounded by enemies but even in the midst of this land GOD turns the heart of a King like the River, GOD Raises up a girl whom was an orphanage as her Mother and Father had died her cousin raising her. HE Raises Her up to be Queen a woman of another Nationality; GOD gives Divine favor and promotes her above the rest! Overthrows the wicked, and reverses all that the wicked ones try to do! Showing HE is an on time GOD even in the most adverse situations. GOD shows that HE IS GOD! This Story is Entertaining, Edifying, and Encouraging and it’s like a Dream when they are Delivered from the oppression of their enemy! Psalms 126:1 now it’s your turn to experience the reality of GOD’S Delivering Power and to see GOD Honor every Word and Promise HE has Promise to YOU! HE will prove HIMSELF to YOU as HE has to others over and over again to be A VERY PRESENT HELP IN TIME OF NEED AND A GOD THAT JUST CANNOT LIE OR FAIL!

                                                                   GOD’S servant: Bro. Derrick & Sis. Janice

                                                                    Be Encouraged in the LORD!