"LUPERCALIA FESTIVAL" was first Celebrated as it was a festival dedicated to Fannus, the Roman God of agriculture. They would then strip the goat hide into strips, dip them into…
Lets Deal with Tithes First: Malachi 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee? In Tithes and Offerings. 9.…
(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be…
(Exodus 15:19-26), (23:25), (Gen. 4:7), (Isaiah 53:4-5), (1st Peter 2:24), (Psalms 30:2) In the Hebrew language, grief means sickness, and sorrow means pain. (Matthew 8:17), (1st John 3:8) Jesus paid…
(Judges 13:1-1-4, 14:2, 16:1), (Exodus 20:3), (Nehemiah 8:10), (Hosea 4:6), (Psalm 9:17), (Psalms 91:17), (Proverbs 13:15), (Zec. 4:6), (Isaiah 54:17), (Daniel 11:32), (Hosea 4:6), (Amos 3:3), (Acts 19:15), (Mark 3:27),…
Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Jesus preached righteousness. Apostle David Terrell, my mother Carolyn Kirtman Taylor, was a preacher of righteousness. I have a torch passed down to me…