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(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. There is a Great Falling Away taking place now in Christianity. The apostle Paul was warning the Thessalonians of this time coming. In (2 Thess. 2:10-11) he goes on to say that this would be because they received not the “Love” of the Truth. Verse 11 And for this cause GOD shall send them “strong delusion”, that they should believe a lie: Verse 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
This strong delusion must come from a preacher of someone we feel is of GOD. So, Satan offers them the world just so he can use them to deceive GOD’S people. Since many Christians will not believe someone that is not saved. Satan targets ministers and clergy members that are in the church. (Revelation 2:13) speaks of Satan’s seat being in the church. You see he already has those in the clubs, and bars. Satan chases many ministers for years offering the things of the world if they will sell GOD out. All that is in the world the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. (1 John 2:16) the old-time preachers used to call it the Gold, the Girls, or the Glory.
A key here to remember Satan will offer you things but, JESUS said in (Psalms 2:8) “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance”. A Soul is the most precious jewel of creation. It cannot be replaced; they are GOD’S Jewels. (Matthew 6:33) Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Never put things before spirituality. Always seek FIRST the spiritual. When your prosperity out runs your spirituality, it causes you to fall away from GOD. It becomes your god.
Those that yield to these temptations are taken over by an anti-Christ spirit! Satan chooses wisely many that have preached and had been used of GOD to do miracles and been in church for many years, because no one will usually expect this person to sell GOD out. We must remember Satan himself was once an angel in heaven. They are taken over by an anti-Christ spirit. Satan realizes many will only remember the miracles and things the person did years ago, not realizing they have now become instruments of Satan. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) For such are false apostles’ deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of CHRIST. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 There is no remarkable thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (Proverbs 4:7) “and with all thy getting get understanding.”
A great falling away comes gradually. First a falling away from prayer. In war one would target the supply chain, cut off the supplies and the war would be easily won. Cut off PRAYER as it is the Christian umbilical cord to their GOD. A baby cannot survive in the womb without the umbilical cord as it is the baby’s source of life and nourishment. This is the same with PRAYER, it is the believer’s source of life; it is our connection to our GOD. So, Satan attacks the Christian soldier’s “prayer life” to cut them off from their GOD.
Let us go back two thousand years ago to JESUS entering the temple. (Matthew 21:12-13) And JESUS went into the temple of GOD and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 13 And said unto them, It is written My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. Immediately after this in the 14th verse the blind and lame came to HIM in the temple; and HE healed them. JESUS here immediately straightened the problem out by getting the moneychangers out of the church and immediately the sick started back to being healed! So, Satan had started over two thousand years ago trying to derail the house of prayer by bringing in moneychangers making it a den of thieves. His goal converts it from a house of prayer to a house of money and material things. Basically, changing it from that which is spiritual to that which is carnal and natural.
We see Satan’s plot from two thousand years ago. But what about now how prayer has been taken out? Now we have praise dancers, fund raisers, events, but no time to pray. Well maybe we can give GOD 5 minutes of prayer. Because we have just too many other amazing, wonderful things in church so why spend all that time in prayer many feel. Remember, much prayer much power, little prayer little power, no prayer no power. So now without prayer, there is no healing or miracles the sick is now dying! Cancers, strokes, heart attacks, COVID-19, and every new disease as the church has been stripped of its power and become a den of thieves. Many good Christian people will die today before you finish reading this newsletter simply because the church, they attend have no power. Many fund raisers, praise dancers, Christian comedians, concerts, dinners, games, events but no time for prayer.
(James 5:14) Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the LORD: 15 And the “Prayer of faith shall save the sick”, and the LORD shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Here the scriptures cannot be broken when the church is a house of prayer. Notice it did not limit any degree of sickness meaning whatever sickness or whatever stage it is GOD said HE would raise them up! “Glory!” Many died of COVID-19 and churches across America locked their doors so afraid of COVID. Many realized their church had no power against COVID-19.
Many Churches offered vaccines which were laced with dead embryos stem cells. So, kill babies so church people can get vaccines. This is a living reality of just how weak the church has become. When we would rather a baby be murdered so we can have a vaccine made of the dead baby stem cells. Have our GOD become so weak that HIS church must murder babies to use their stem cells for a vaccine to keep the church folks alive? Something is seriously wrong! Is the money the churches make worth the lives lost? Is it worth giving up the power the church is supposed to have? Until it is a person close to us, many do not seem to care. Until it is their family member dead, or they themselves on their death bed.
Have you ever seen your Pastor on his knees praying? When was the last time you got on your knees and prayed? Many feel this is degrading to get on their knees and pray. How much time does your church spend in prayer? How much time do you spend in prayer? Prayer has been totally taken out of many churches and sad to say out of the lives of many Christians. A sad reality. Many Churches and Christians have no time for prayer, and they feel they are just too busy. (Galatians 3:1) O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth? Who tricked us into believing that the church staff could bring in concerts, comedians, and all kinds of events and replace prayer in the churches? Why prayer and JESUS have been left out of the life and churches of so many? Lots of entertainment, but no Miracles. Family members dying, Pastors and Pastor’s wives dying but our church makes a lot of money. Some would rather have their child back that died, or their spouse, or loved one. Somethings money just cannot replace.
The hospitals are full, in the hospice centers people waiting to die, cancers taking so many at incredibly young ages. The altars must be rebuilt. How many funerals and deaths do we have in the church, or in our families where we know they simply did not have to die? Who hath bewitched us?
(2 Thessalonians 2:10-11) because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause GOD shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
We were bewitched on one aspect by a man name Edward Irvin in 1832 when he began his new doctrine called the “RAPTURE THEORY”. He had been thrown out of the Church of England due to the FALSE things he said about the LORD JESUS. He would hear of a young English lad name Margaret McDonald who was 14yrs old stating she had a vision of JESUS coming back to get us. Irvin immediately said this was the solution to everyone getting out of all those things that the Bible said would happen in the last days.
He began to say they would be RAPTURED. Before all these things happen, they would be caught away and taken to heaven. The problem here many were new converts and did not know much Bible, so they believed this and began to spread it. It would be placed in the footnotes of the Scofield Bible and many other Bibles. Satan had planted a poisonous doctrine. The bible colleges began to teach it and preachers around the world began to preach this Rapture theory. Theory is an idea, and this was Edward Irvin’s idea. It had taken wings since Revivals were breaking out in the 1800’s. As new converts were eager to learn anything they could about JESUS. Satan moved immediately and continually planted this poisonous doctrine. With Rapture Theory many felt, why pray and get power to stand and endure as we are not going to be here. So why put on the whole armor of GOD?
The Lord JESUS stated in (Matthew 24:29) Immediately “AFTER” the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Plainly we see the words IMMEDIATELY AFTER here in verse twenty-nine spoken by the LORD JESUS. Should we Believe JESUS or Edward? Should we believe the Word of GOD or Edward? Should we believe our Pastor, family, or JESUS? JESUS is the Way the TRUTH and the life. (John 14:6).
(Mark 13:24-27) But in those days, “AFTER” that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. 25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. 26 And “THEN” shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And THEN shall HE send HIS angels and shall gather together HIS elect from them four winds, from the uttermost part of heaven. (Luke 21:27) And THEN shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
JESUS continually stated IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation, so why would anyone believe a man that was kicked out of the Church of England for saying evil things about JESUS? The Book of Daniel and Revelation confirms immediately “AFTER” the Tribulation. But JESUS words alone in (Matthew 24:29) stating IMMEDIATELY “AFTER” and (Mark 13:24) “AFTER.” Should have been enough as JESUS is the way the TRUTH and the life. (John 14:6).
What is the big deal about before and “after”? Because once JESUS declared “AFTER” the Tribulation it meant every other doctrine or belief was a lie! Either we believe JESUS or incorrect Theology as JESUS must always be our guide. We must never doubt or go against JESUS. HE is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. But what is the big deal? Why has Satan tried so hard to convince Christians JESUS would come back “BEFORE” the tribulation? First, think of Rapture THEORY. What is a theory? To speculate, to guess, one’s thought of something. We do not have to speculate or guess as we have the Word and exactly what JESUS said IMMEDIATELY AFTER. There should not be any debate about this or assumptions as either we believe JESUS, or we do not.
Satan planted this false doctrine into bible colleges. Many sincere people simply learned wrong doctrines. It’s like having a ruler or a tape measure that is incorrect. The builder did what was right by the tape measure, but the measurements came out wrong, because the tape measure had a default. Many ministers are sincere, but sincerely wrong. Many feels since they learned it at a bible college, it must be correct. One simply should ask why many bible colleges teach different biblical doctrines when they have the same bible? Meaning again, a man used his opinion of what he believes to be correct and placed it into the curriculum. So, I simply go by what JESUS said as HE is the way, the TRUTH, and the life. HE is never wrong, and JESUS said immediately “After” the Tribulation.
Satan’s Plot is to deceive Christians into thinking that they would be Raptured out before the Great Tribulation. Meaning they would not put on the whole armor of GOD, they would not prepare, they would not be ready spiritually or naturally, Satan deceiveth the whole world. (Rev. 12:9). The little girl said, Mom, why did you cut the butt off the end of the ham? She said, because my mother did it; ask your grandma. The little girl said, grandma, why did you cut the butt off the end of the ham? Baby, I do not know. My mother did, so ask your Great-Grandmother. The little girl said, Great-Grandma, why did Momma cut the butt off the end of the ham? She said, Baby, I did it because the ovens were too small many years ago for the ham to fit in. Everyone else is doing it, because of TRADITION. Or they heard someone else was doing it. Why do you believe immediately before if JESUS and the word of GOD said IMMEDIATELY AFTER? Many say they believe it because their Pastor or denomination or family believes it, so they are going to go along with them. Wow! Amazing as we must follow JESUS.
Satan knew the Christians would not be prepared or ready and many would lose their lives simply trying to get wealth and things; not preparing spiritually by putting on the whole armor of GOD.
Here you find the great shift in Christianity. Where many have no prayer lives and no fasting because they have been lied to; they will not have to go through anything. This has caused a loose living mindset to take over so many. No time for prayer or the Word, no fasting as the evening sacrifice has been taken away. No fasting or self-denial for so many. Now Prosperity seekers, parties, cruise ships where many have no prayer life or fasting so adultery, fornication at all-time high in Christianity. Sex and homosexuality great perversion has infiltrated Christianity like never before. Leaving many Christians and Ministries defenseless against the powers of Satan.
Churches with 30,000 members have three services on Sunday morning, but on Sunday night they cannot get three hundred to come back and pray. The Churches have gotten away from prayer which is our umbilical cord connecting us to our GOD. We have played the role of a fool listening to many Televangelists running after fool’s Gold.
We must now realize there is a Great Falling Away. We must rebuild the altars in our personal lives. Yes, we must start with the person in the mirror. As many churches and people will not change. This is an individual call back to Prayer, back to GOD. JESUS will then be able to place you in HIS will for your life. Save yourself from this untoward generation that really do not want GOD. JESUS will place you with someone that believes Truth. JESUS HIMSELF will direct your path and help you to find your way during a Great falling Away JESUS is still the answer. There is a way that seem right to a man, but the end of that way is death. It is now time to come out of the seem right way before death and destruction is here. (John 8:32) And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.
We pray this Newsletter awakens you to pray and to see the areas where there has been a Great Falling Away. We pray that you now turn to GOD and rebuild your altar and pray like never before so that you can be prepared for all that is coming on the world. That you also become the Person of GOD that you were born to be and that you are used of GOD to help many others by giving them simple TRUTH.

Truth Tabernacle Worldwide Ministry
Bro Derrick and Sis Janice Kirtman