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            “Therefore, thus saith the Lord GOD,

      Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone,

      A tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation:”

Isaiah 28:16.

Now a Foundation is the basis for which something is founded or established upon; or attached to. In the OLD TESTAMENT they did not know the “NAME” of GOD. So, they called HIM Jehovah, God, Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, and many other titles.

The reason why we could not know HIS name was because we did not have a WAY to get to HIS name. We would simply have to call HIM Jehovah until we found a way to get to the name of GOD. In (John 14:6), JESUS said “I AM THE WAY.” You see, it would be foolish to try to get to New York or Baghdad without a map or knowing the way. It would be foolish today because we have so many maps, guides, and all kinds of navigational systems that are designed to show us the way and how to get there.

Now, let your mind travel back in time with me for just a minute. You will see there was NO WAY the “NAME” of the majesty that Reigned on High in the Old Testament. Even Jehovah is a Hebrew verb which means (HE IS) showing action. A verb is simply a word expressing action. A noun is a word that names a person, place or thing. Keep in mind that Jehovah is a Hebrew verb and not a noun. Also note that the words, God and Father are “TITLES”, not NAMES. Listed below are some of the ways the word Jehovah is used.

Jehovah – Shamah=The Lord is there (present)
Jehovah – Shalom=The Lord our peace
Jehovah – Ra-Ha=The Lord is my shepherd
Jehovah – Jyra=The Lord will provide
Jehovah – Nissi=The Lord is our banner (Victor)
Jehovah – Tsidkenu=The Lord our righteousness
Jehovah – Rapha=I am the Lord that healeth thee, thy physician, or healer

This gives you a basic understanding of how the word Jehovah is used to describe action in the verb form.

JESUS came to reveal to us the “NAME” of the FATHER. The angel Gabriel took a word or message to the young Virgin Mary. This message was sent direct from GOD. The message was (Matthew 1:21) thou shall bring forth a son and thou shall call HIS NAME JESUS. Not Jehovah, not God, not Allah, but JESUS. History proves that Allah is the name of the Pagan moon God.

(Matthew 1:23) says that thou shall call HIS name Emmanuel which being interpreted, GOD with us. Now, let us evaluate this for just a second. GOD sent a message and said, thou shall call HIS NAME JESUS. Then, GOD said that “THEY” shall call HIS name Emmanuel which means, GOD with us. Now to me this is very simple, and it doesn’t take a genius to understand the message from GOD.

Notice that GOD said, “thou” shall call HIS name JESUS. Then HE goes on to say “they” shall call HIS name Emmanuel, meaning that it was not just a man or a prophet or Joseph and Mary’s son, but GOD was with us. This little baby would be GOD with us. Now, since the little baby was GOD with us the question would be, what is the baby’s name? The answer is JESUS. So, if GOD was the baby and the baby’s name was JESUS, it’s only common sense to know that JESUS is the “NAME” of GOD.

We must keep in mind that the Angel never said that we should call HIS NAME Emmanuel. HE said that THEY shall call HIS name Emmanuel meaning GOD with us. The people would call HIM GOD with us and that the GOD that is with us is named, JESUS. The word thou, means you. Thou shall call HIS name JESUS. “THEY” (speaking of the people) shall call HIS name Emmanuel, meaning GOD with us.

Let’s look at some more scripture. Hear, O Israel: The LORD your GOD is ONE, not two, not three. As Pastor Blue would say, “why would it take three gods to whip one devil?” (Isaiah 9:6) says, “for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon HIS shoulder: and HIS name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty GOD, The Everlasting FATHER, The Prince of Peace.”

Now that is getting as basic and simple as we can. The SON is called the Everlasting FATHER, and the Mighty GOD. Again, since the SON’S NAME is JESUS and HE is the Everlasting FATHER, and the Mighty GOD, then common sense would speak again and declare unto us that the NAME of the Mighty GOD and the Everlasting FATHER is JESUS.

Let’s get even more basic and simple. If I told my 6-year-old daughter that Mary had a little baby named JESUS and the little baby that Mary had was God manifested in the flesh. Then I would ask her a question. What is the name of Mary’s little baby? That answer is quite simple, JESUS. (Luke 10:21) and (Matthew 11:25) JESUS said FATHER, I thank THEE, because THOU hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes. You see, it’s so easy for a child to understand this, because it’s so simple, but it is hidden from the wise and prudent.

Now if we had a friend that we had known for 10 or 20 years or longer, it would seem that in that length of time we would know his name. But if we are still calling him friend and don’t know his name after that duration of time then something is seriously wrong. Evidently, we don’t know that friend as well as we thought or assumed. But many people don’t know that GOD’S “NAME” is JESUS. Now that is amazing! JESUS said in (John 5:39) “Search the scriptures; For in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are which testify of ME.” By searching the scriptures prayerfully, JESUS can show us the revelation of HIS NAME. The reason we are stressing The Foundation of the NAME of JESUS is we want you to realize the NAME of JESUS did not start today, but it has been the NAME of GOD before the worlds were made because GOD’S word is forever settled in the heavens. (Psalms 119:89).

There is so much that we don’t understand about the NAME of JESUS. (Hosea 4:6) plainly tells us that (my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge). The devil wants us to remain ignorant when it comes to the NAME of JESUS. The devil is not going to reveal to us or tell us anything about the NAME of JESUS, because it’s to his advantage that we don’t know. If we don’t know he can continue to steal, kill and to destroy, as long as we don’t find out The Foundation of the NAME of JESUS. The NAME of JESUS holds the POWER of GOD. GOD’S name was forever settled in the heavens. It transcends beyond time itself, and even before the foundations of the world. The POWER of ALMIGHTY GOD is manifested and revealed through HIS name.

But the time and season for GOD to reveal HIS name to us did not come until JESUS manifested and revealed it to us. (John 17:6) JESUS said, I have MANIFESTED THY NAME. (John 17:12) “I kept them in THY NAME.” (John 17:26) “I have DECLARED UNTO THEM THY NAME.” JESUS came to reveal, manifest, and declare the NAME of GOD to the world. (John 5:43) JESUS said, I am come in my FATHER’S name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

Now on the following page you will see various forms of the so-called Trinity. This started back in ancient days. One GOD was not enough. Man was not satisfied with just having one GOD, so they began to worship multiple gods. They fell in love with the idea of having three gods. Rome worshiped many gods, and they couldn’t get the early Christians to buy that concept or idea, so Satan came up with a plan to simply just get the Christians to separate their GOD into three. This plan involved one of Satan’s most devoted worshippers and his name was Constantine. He worshiped the Sun-god, Mythra, but he claimed he was a Christian. In the Nicene council, about 325 AD he brought in the Trinity and claiming that he was a Christian. Many flocked to him, but the real early Christians would not partake of this evil period they went into hiding while a new group of called Christians followed Constantine. History shows that while he was passing these laws about the Trinity, he also passed one that ordered them to summon the witches and the soothsayers whenever lightning struck a temple or a place of worship. To find out why the “gods” were angry. Now would you call this type of emperor a Christian? You can’t worship the Sun-god and be a Christian also.

Keep in mind that The Roman Emperor implemented the Trinity in 325 AD this was after all the Christians in the Bible had died or been killed. So, this brings out an important fact and that fact is that during the Bible days there was no Trinity. This teaching and doctrine came about after Peter, Paul, and John had died and after the New Testament. There was only ONE GOD in the Old Testament and only ONE GOD in the New Testament; they never preached anything, but ONE GOD. The pictures you looked at showed how all the rest of the world had their Trinity, but this was not in the early church, not in any of the teaching of the apostles, and prophets, not in any of the teachings of Jesus. Nowhere in the Bible this was taught.

Again, dearly beloved JESUS is the “WAY”. There was no way to heaven, there was no way to take away sin, (Hebrews 10:4) there was no way to the NAME of GOD until JESUS came. Because JESUS is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE (John 14:6). Now I know some may not understand, but don’t give up on me right now, pray and walk with me through a few more pages, and follow me in the scriptures. (smile)

Let’s turn to (John 10:30) JESUS said, “I and my FATHER are ONE.” Now many people in their natural minds say that JESUS was Speaking of one as a husband and wife are ONE. You see my wife and I are one flesh, but JESUS was not talking about one in that manner or fashion. An example would be (John 14:8) Philip asks JESUS to show us the FATHER. In the ninth verse JESUS explains, he that hath seen ME hath seen the FATHER. When you see me, you don’t see my wife and if my wife has her picture taken you don’t see me, you see her. If I look in the mirror, I don’t see my wife, but I see myself. JESUS said that when you have seen me you have seen the FATHER. Now that is the kind of ONE that JESUS was talking about. Our natural minds found it hard to comprehend, because we had never experienced that kind of ONE before.

JESUS said, I and my FATHER are one, not two, not three, but ONE. (James 2:19) says, “thou believest that there is ONE GOD, thou doest well: the devils also believe, and they tremble.” The reason that the devil’s know that there is only ONE GOD in heaven is, because they used to live in heaven, they are fallen angels that were cast out of heaven with Satan.

JESUS was GOD manifest in the flesh. Not another god, but GOD ALMIGHTY. In the commandment’s, GOD ordered us NOT to worship or have ANY god before HIM. When the people in the bible would try to worship angels, the angels would stop them immediately. The prophets and the apostles stopped the people from trying to worship them, and would not allow anyone to worship them, but notice when JESUS entered Jerusalem the people “WORSHIPPED” HIM (Matthew 21:9). And the man that was possessed with the legion of demons the Bible says that he ‘WORSHIPPED”. JESUS (Mark 5:6) and various other places you will find where JESUS was worshiped. If JESUS was not God, this would have never been allowed to happen because it would have violated, and went against the commandment, and the scriptures. (Exodus 20:3)

Now, I’m amazed at those that will admit that JESUS is GOD, but they say with the same voice that JESUS is not the name of GOD they are contradicting themselves. Basically, because they don’t understand. JESUS is the “NAME” of GOD. JESUS said that every Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:25). And that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the LORD (James 1:7). Satan knew this, so his ministers have been transformed into ministers of righteousness, and sent by him to divide God in your mind, into being two or three different gods.

They have tried to reduce GOD to their carnal level through their corrupt theology. Most Bible schools Satan has infiltrated and brainwashed the nations and caused many to be deceived into believing in two or three gods. We must always remember that “if” the theology taught in all Bible schools were correct, then all of them would teach the same thing. They can never all have truth when many teach the total opposite of each other.

Why would it take three gods to whip one devil? You will “NEVER” hear them saying there are two or three Satan’s. Now, you must ask yourself why would anyone try to divide GOD into THREE, but never try to divide Satan into THREE? Evidently, they just don’t understand, or they are working for Satan and on his payroll, because JESUS plainly told us, every Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

Now if Satan can get you to believe GOD is three persons, then he knows that he has gotten you to believe also that it takes three gods to whip one Satan. You must ask yourself where did such foolishness come from?

The Roman Empire worshiped many gods and an opportunity came for them to spread their damnable doctrines when Constantine became emperor of Rome. He worshiped the Sun-god, but proclaimed he was a Christian also. Now it seems crazy, and ridiculous to have a SUN god worshiping Christian, but they called him a Christian. Of course, we know that you cannot be both. Now Satan claims to be the sun God, the center of the universe. The true Christians drew back from this Idolatry, while many so-called Christians accepted Constantine’s NEW theology.

The door had been opened and Constantine met with the Nicene council and brought the “TRINITY” into their belief system. Since Rome worshiped so many gods, he wanted to spread this into Christianity. Since Satan is the great deceiver and father of lies, he didn’t try to bring in some of the Roman gods into this TRINITY equation. He knew that most Christians would not fall for that, so he deceived them by telling the people that the true GOD was three gods in one.

Once this was implemented into the Nicaean council’s doctrines Satan’s next step was to get his ministers that were transformed into ministers of righteousness to convince people by using scriptures. (Corinthians 11:14). So they twisted the scriptures and used the word of GOD to deceive the whole world. (Revelations 12:9) (Deceiveth the whole world). Keep in mind that many of them that went into theology seminaries and various Bible colleges studied many years gaining master’s degrees and Doctorate’s degrees just so that they could preach and teach this perverted theology and tried to get us to believe and accept Satan’s idolatry. Now some never realized that they were working for Satan doing his dirty work because Satan had this “carefully” planned and placed in their doctrines many years ago. Many are sincere but they are sincerely wrong in Satan’s Trinity delusion. When one reads the TRUTH for themselves, but refuses to convert to it Satan becomes their master as they work for him. (II Thess. 2:10-12) and (Romans 6:16).

Let’s turn to (Matthew 3:16-17). In verse 16 it says, he saw the spirit of GOD descending like a dove and lightning upon HIM. 17 and lo a voice from heaven, saying, this is MY beloved SON, in whom I AM well pleased. Now this scripture is one that they have been trained and taught to explain as meaning three gods.

(1) The spirit of GOD descending like a dove1 (God the Holy Spirit)
(2) Voice from heaven saying this is MY beloved SON2 (God the Father)
(3) JESUS the beloved Son3 (God the Son)

They call this the blessed TRINITY. Keep in mind, this came from the Roman Catholic Church. The word TRINITY is a NON-SCRIPTURAL WORD that is NOT found in the Bible. Constantine introduced the TRINITY to the Nicaean council in 325 which is 325 years after CHRIST. By then the Apostles and all of those that are in the scriptures were killed or had died. So you see there was no TRINITY in the Bible days and times.

Let’s evaluate this carefully, and prayerfully. They claim this PROVES the TRINITY, and that the doctrine of the Nicene council is correct, because all three gods they claim are clearly shown here in scripture. My first illustration would be Satan causing a catastrophe in New York, and the same hour Satan speaking to someone’s mind telling them to do evil, the same hour him telling someone to commit suicide. No one would ever say there are three Satan’s. Let that sink in for a minute. Although Satan would be manifesting himself in the three different ways, we would never say he was three. I want to ask a few questions just to get your mind to really clicking here. (1) Can GOD heal a person with cancer in Georgia, and heal a child of leukemia at a hospital in Memphis, and save a sinner’s soul in Tulsa at the same time? (2) Can GOD hear your prayer, and your neighbor’s prayer, and my prayer all at the same time? (3) Can HE answer all three prayer requests at the same time? (4) Can GOD save three souls at the same time? (5) Can GOD save three billion souls at the same time?

If GOD SAVED three billion souls would that mean that it would make HIM three billion gods? Is GOD omnipresent, meaning everywhere at the same time? My point is that it does “NOT” make GOD three gods, because three events happen at the same time. If we believe that, we would have also had to believe in the principle that if three billion people got saved at once, it would have to be the three billion gods one for each, or a GOD for every time there’s a manifestation of HIS power.

If we believe the Nicene council concept that GOD is three based on the three manifestations listed here in (Matthew 3:16-17) then we can’t stop here. We must apply that same concept and theory with all the other manifestations of GOD and that would be foolishness. You see, although GOD was three in different manifestations, we must not fail to see that he was also in other parts of the world at the same time manifesting HIS LOVE and POWER. HE was at that same time answering somebody’s prayer, somewhere else in the world and at the exact same time healing someone. So why would we just stop at the three manifestations and make a Trinity when there were millions of manifestations of GOD at the same time period? Keep in mind, he was also controlling the universe. No matter how intelligent the men were at the Nicene council when they implemented the Trinity, they just couldn’t figure JESUS out with their natural minds. (1 Cor. 2:14).

Some of them meant well, but the Bible says they stumbled at the stumbling stone which is JESUS. (1 Cor. 2:14) says, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (Isaiah 55:8) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Our finite minds cannot figure out GOD’S infinite mind. (Psalms 147:5). GOD can do whatever he wants to because, HE is GOD. HE can speak through a donkey; HE can cause a rooster to crow at a certain time period. GOD can manifest HIMSELF any way HE wants to.

Now if a ventriloquist had a moppet on his lap and was throwing his voice making it appear that the moppet was talking; we would never say it was “two” ventriloquists. We would simply say that it was a ventriloquist using his voice to make it appear that the moppet was speaking. If a ventriloquist can do that, then why can’t an omnipresent GOD just simply speak from the heavens and be on earth at the same time?

When GOD spoke to Moses out of the heavens, HE was also in the fire that Moses was looking at, and GOD was also back in Egypt with the children of Israel hearing their cry, all at the same time period. We never say in the Old Testament that GOD was three different gods, or persons because of three different ways HE manifested HIMSELF. Why would we start now? (Malachi 3:6) says, I AM the LORD, I change NOT.

Another question would be if JESUS is the name of GOD, and JESUS was GOD then who was HE praying to? Question with a question? If we have GOD living in us right here on earth then why are we praying, and who are we praying to if GOD is in us? Does it mean that there must be two gods, because GOD is in us, and we are also praying to HIM? NO!! Absolutely NO! JESUS is GOD in us, and we still pray to HIM, because HE is omnipresent. In us, with us, in heaven, with Bro. Terrell in revivals, and with others, all at the same time, but that doesn’t mean HE has to be three different gods.

JESUS was our example, and HE was teaching us by his actions, and deeds; not just by talk, but by every manner of HIS lifestyle there is a lesson to be learned. HE even told us in one passage of the scripture “FATHER I thank THEE that THOU hast heard me. And I knew that THOU hearest ME always:” but because of the people which stand by I said it (John 11:41-42).

JESUS had to point us to the FATHER, which is the SPIRIT (John 4:24). Because HE knew that the fleshly body would have to be crucified and die for the atonement of our sins. So, HE pointed us to the FATHER (SPIRIT). (John 6:63) declares it is “the SPIRIT that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing.” If HE had not done this, just think of all the idols that would have been made; there would have been golden images of HIS fleshly body everywhere.

Out of all of the Idols in the world today, NONE of them did a miracle, raised the dead, fed the multitudes, walked the waters, cast out devils, or commanded the wind and the sea to be still, etc. So, could you just imagine how messed up the world would be if JESUS never pointed us to the FATHER (SPIRIT) which was the SPIRIT “IN” HIM. If men worshiped all these other men, Pagan gods, and Idols that never did a miracle; how much more would they have been bowing down to the GOLDEN IDOL of JESUS? An idol or image that would have had no life, or power. Instead, JESUS pointed us to HIS SPIRIT, which is the FATHER. HE pointed us to that which is all powerful, and incorruptible. Hallelujah! If HE would not have pointed us to the FATHER, everyone’s faith would have ended, and died at Calvary, but JESUS pointed us to his spirit, which is GOD. The SPIRIT of JESUS that could not be held in the grave, in that tomb, or in hell. JESUS which was GOD in the FLESH conquered death, hell, and the grave. It wasn’t three gods that died on the cross, it was the body of that GOD had dwelled in.

Keep in mind, JESUS also appeared in other bodies. Mary thought he was a gardener. Peter and John walked with him to Emmaus and after they arrived there, they were sitting at the table ready to eat, and JESUS began to break bread then they realized that this was JESUS. (Luke 24:13-35). It was not three gods that whipped one devil. It was JESUS the “ONE” True and Living GOD.

Next is one of my favorites that is taught to try to illustrate three gods and Constantine’s Trinity belief. (Matthew 28:19) “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the “NAME” of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST.” This is quite simple to explain; notice JESUS did not say baptize in FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST. HE said, in the “NAME” of the FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST. The word “NAME” here is the key that unlocks the TRUTH. Notice the word “NAME” is also “SINGULAR”. The basic English language will prove that since the word “NAME” is “SINGULAR”, all three, FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST must have the SAME “NAME”. If not, the word “NAME” would have been in its plural form with the letter S on the end = names. It’s found in that singular form, so why try to make it say something it is not? John 10: 30 JESUS said, I and MY FATHER are “One”. It was not until Nicene council changes it: when Bible colleges change it, not until preachers change it, but let every man be a liar and GOD be TRUE. Let’s break this down and examine the scripture a little more.


1 (a) (John 5:43) I (JESUS) am come in MY FATHER’S “NAME”, and ye received ME not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

1 (b) (John 17:6) I (JESUS) have MANIFESTED THY “NAME” unto the men thou gavest ME out of the world.

1 (c) (John 17:12) while I (JESUS) was with him in the world, I KEPT them in THY “NAME”:

1 (d) (John 17:26) and I (JESUS) DECLARED unto them THY “NAME”, and will declare it:

We must ask ourselves the questions; What “NAME” did JESUS MANIFEST? What NAME did HE KEEP the disciples in? What NAME did JESUS DECLARE? The answer is the “NAME” JESUS.


1 (a) (Matthew 1:21) and she shall bring forth a SON, and thou shalt call HIS “NAME” JESUS: for HE shall SAVE HIS people from their sins. So, the “NAME” OF THE SON is JESUS.


1 (a) (John 14:26) but the comforter, which is the HOLY GHOST, whom the FATHER will send in MY (JESUS) “NAME”, HE shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whosoever I have said unto you. The name of the HOLY GHOST is JESUS. The HOLY GHOST is simply the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT of GOD. (John 4: 24) GOD is a SPIRIT: and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth. It is “NOT” the HOLY SPIRIT and the SPIRIT of GOD. There is one SPIRIT of GOD not two. So, we can see according to the scriptures that JESUS is the “NAME”. (Acts 4:12) “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

I told a person once that if he could find one person in the Bible that was baptized in FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST, I would eat my Bible without any salt and would never preach again. (smile) Well, I haven’t eaten my Bible yet, and I’m still preaching. I knew he couldn’t find one person in the Bible that was baptized that way. One minister told me that he would only baptize in FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST, because JESUS was the one speaking in (Matthew 28:19). Bless his poor soul, the Bible college had brainwashed him, and he didn’t want truth, but he only wanted to do what they taught him to do. No matter what you would show him in scripture, he was like many others. They will only do what someone else has told them to do, and will not listen to the voice of GOD or follow the truth in the holy scriptures.

The word “NAME” is used in its SINGULAR tense or form. JESUS was saying the “NAME” of the FATHER, of the SON, and HOLY GHOST. The word FATHER is “NOT” a name, it is a “TITLE”. The word son is not a name, it is a “TITLE”. A person can be a son, and a father, but still neither is his name. You can be a teacher, housewife, mother, daughter, aunt, but neither of those TITLES would be your name. The most important thing that most miss about this scripture is the fact that JESUS commanded us to baptize, and be baptized in the “NAME”, of the “FATHER”, which is JESUS, the “NAME”, of the “SON”, which is JESUS, the “NAME” of the HOLY GHOST which is JESUS. JESUS said baptize in the “NAME”, NOT in a TITLE.

Always remember, (2 Timothy 3:16) and (1 Peter 1: 21), because they prove that JESUS was speaking also in (Acts 2:38), and not just Peter. JESUS was speaking through Peter saying, “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the HOLY GHOST.” (Matthew 28:19) and (Acts 2:38) are not contradicting each other but saying the same thing.

I’ve heard so many people say that if JESUS was GOD, then why would the Bible say he would be sitting at the right hand of the FATHER? To understand this, we must look beyond the natural. (I Corinthians 2:14) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT of GOD: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The first thing our natural mind thinks of is a natural, physical, RIGHT HAND. In the Old Testament, the right hand or arm of the LORD always represented the POWER of GOD.

(Exodus 3:14), (Exodus 15:6), (Exodus 15:12) Not a physical RIGHT HANG, (John 4:24) GOD is a spirit and those that worship HIM must worship him in spirit and in truth. What did JESUS say about this? HE said, HE would be sitting at the right hand of POWER. (Matthew 26:64), (Mark 14:62), (Luke 22:69). This is the same thing the Old Testament teaches us that the right hand or arm of GOD is the POWER of GOD. JESUS is the only GOD we will see in heaven. JESUS was GOD manifested in the flesh; the fullness of GOD dwells in HIM. (Colossians 2:9)

The Fullness of the Godhead dwells in HIM. Now this scripture throws some people off and Satan’s minister uses it to try to show their Trinity belief or theory. In the Man of GOD (Bro. David Terrell’s) book entitled THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST we read on page 77;” But there is absolutely no accurate way to translate the Greek, or Aramaic languages into an unequivocal and precise English meaning. But there is no way ANY interpretation can be made to show any of the prophets, or JESUS preaching THREE gods!” Even though the King James version hints at trinitarianism in the interpretation, THE FULLNESS of the GODHEAD dwelt in HIM. The original Greek word said the FULLNESS OF POWER, the fullness of GOD dwelt in HIM. There is just a little difference there, but that is no confusion to me. The fullness of the GODHEAD simply means the HEAD OF ALL POWER DWELLED IN CHRIST. I understand the King James interpretation and I wouldn’t preach from any other Bible. JESUS was the Fullness of GOD! That is why HE SAID, “RECEIVE ME, AND YE RECEIVE HIM THAT SENT ME.”

Now Stephen preached that JESUS was the GOD of the Old Testament. Saying in (Acts 7:38) “This is he, (JESUS) that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: JESUS was the name of GOD all alone, but the time was not fulfilled in the Old Testament for the revealing of the NAME of GOD as JESUS. (James 2:19) “if thou believest that there is “ONE” GOD, thou doest well: the devils also believe; And tremble”. The devils knew that it was only ONE GOD in heaven, because they used to live there. They were all fallen angels that lived in heaven and dwelt around the throne and the Bible says they believe in ONE GOD. You will do well because you understand that GOD’S “NAME” is JESUS, and the scriptures say in (John 1:12) “but as many as received HIM to them gave HE POWER to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe in HIS “NAME”.” The “NAME” JESUS opens the door for the POWER of GOD to come into your life, and for you to be a son of GOD. Not the name of THREE titles or three gods that the Roman Catholic Church wants us to believe, but the “NAME” of the “ONE” true and living GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

(Acts 4:12) “Neither is there Salvation in any other: for there is NONE other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,” there is only one name that brings salvation and that is the “NAME” of the Almighty GOD “JESUS.” (Philippians 2:9-11) Wherefore GOD also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER.

So, when was JESUS given this “NAME”? (Psalms 119:89) “Forever, O LORD thy word is settled in heaven.” The “NAME” JESUS was settled in Heaven to be the “NAME” of GOD before the world was made. The “NAME” JESUS is declared by GOD as being HIGHER than “ANY” name, and the NAME whereby we must be saved, in the NAME that EVERY knee shall bow to and every tongue will confess to. Buddha, Confucius, Halle Salassie, Mohammed, and all the rest of them will bow to the name of JESUS. If all these Great men could not have saved themselves, then how in the world can they save me? You can find any of these and other great men remains still in their tombs. They could not save themselves from the power of the grave and death, so why would anyone expect them to be able to save them when they couldn’t save themselves? It seems to me that they should have saved themselves first so they could be around to save someone else. Evidently, they couldn’t.

Below are some sculptures.

(Colossians 3:17) “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the “NAME” of the LORD JESUS, giving thanks to GOD and the FATHER by HIM.” The name of JESUS has been revealed to us. (John 5:43), (John 17:6), (John 17:12), and (John 17:26). The reason this is a vital importance is because many are praying to a third god of the trinity and not the Almighty GOD. When we pray knowing that JESUS is GOD Almighty, living and dwelling in us we pray with confidence knowing that nothing is impossible. We are then stable and “NOT” DOUBLE MINDED.

(I Corinthians 3:11) for other FOUNDATION can no man lay than that which is laid which is JESUS CHRIST. JESUS is the Chief cornerstone and everyone that is building on three gods and the theory and doctrines of Emperor Constantine, and the Nicene council will suffer loss. The “NAME” JESUS is the most hated name in the world when you deal with religions. Because the devil knows that it is the “NAME” of GOD. Satan knows that GOD promised whosoever shall call on “HIS” NAME (JESUS) would be SAVED in (Romans 10:13). Joel says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD SHALL be SAVED.” (Proverbs 18:10) “The “NAME” of the LORD is a strong tower:” (Matthew 12:21) “In HIS NAME shall the gentiles trust.” (Mark 16:17) “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In MY NAME (JESUS) shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” So, we see why Satan doesn’t want us to know the NAME OF GOD. We see WHY Satan has tried to get us to believe it was three gods, because the NAME of JESUS topples the devil’s kingdom.

(Matthew 18:20) “For where two or three are gathered together in MY NAME, there I am in the midst of them”. The NAME of JESUS opens the blind eyes, heals the sick, breaks the bondage of the oppressed, raises the dead. The “NAME” of JESUS is the REMEDY or SOLUTION for whatever problem you encounter.

As Pastor Blue and Pastor Taylor always say, why would it take three gods to whip one devil? This is why the devil had orders sent out for them to STOP preaching and teaching that name. We were commanded, commissioned, and ordered by GOD to preach the NAME of JESUS. They beat, whipped, and killed them for teaching in the NAME of JESUS. (Acts 4:17) But that it spread no further among the people, let us straightly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in his name (JESUS). I feel some of you reading this pamphlet will struggle with this, but let go of doctrines, traditions, and theology and receive the WORD of GOD. Know that only HIS SPIRIT which is JESUS can reveal this unto you because it has been hidden by GOD from the wise and prudent. (Matthew 11:25), (Luke 10:21), (I Corinthians 1:19), (II Corinthians 3:14).

In the beginning was GOD, not two gods, not three gods. In the beginning was GOD, not trinity, not until the Roman Catholic Church told us to start worshiping three gods. Not until ministers twisted the scriptures and fed us theology. (John 1:1) “in the beginning was the WORD, and the word was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD.” (John 1:14) “and the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld HIS Glory, and the Glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER) full of Grace and Truth.

We must let go of natural reasoning; our natural minds can’t comprehend the revelation of JESUS. In the natural world, it is impossible for a baby to be his own father, but with GOD all things are possible. Let’s dig a little deeper, and we are going to find GOLD. (smile) I’m trying to get our human reasoning out of the way, so that we can see GOD for who HE is. JESUS, PLEASE HELP US TO SEE. (Isaiah 43:10-11) “Ye are MY witness, sayeth the LORD, and MY servant whom I have chosen; that ye may KNOW and believe ME and understanding that I AM HE: before ME there was NO GOD formed, NEITHER SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME. (11) I even I AM the LORD; and besides ME there is NO SAVIOR.”

In the 10th verse GOD wants us to know, believe, and understand (that I AM HE), and before HIM was NO god formed, neither after HIM. So, this should cure the theology of JESUS and the HOLY GHOST being two other gods. In the (11) GOD plainly tells us beside HIM there is NO SAVIOR. We know that JESUS is the savior which means that JESUS must be GOD, since GOD said that HE was the ONLY SAVIOR. Now we have pictured god the son, sitting beside god the father; but here GOD says there is NO one beside ME. Here GOD plainly tells us that I AM HE: BEFORE ME THERE WAS NO GOD FORMED “NEITHER” SHALL THERE BE “AFTER” ME. BESIDES ME THERE IS NO SAVIOR. (Isaiah 43:10-11) here says a lot and we know that the word is forever settled in heaven, and GOD could never tell us this and then later go and make two other gods and go against HIS word. That would make GOD a liar and GOD is not a liar.

note: If GOD didn’t know another GOD how can all the preachers and theologians know about three? Do they know more than GOD? I think NOT.

In (I Corinthians 1:13) the Apostle Paul asks a very important question,


Since we know that JESUS is GOD in the flesh, we must ask ourselves, is GOD divided? GOD is NOT divided into three, HE is “ONE”. Is CHRIST divided? Is HE one of three personas that the scholars have tried to convince us HE is? No! JESUS said I and MY FATHER are ONE. IS CHRIST DIVIDED? NO! IF CHRIST was “NOT” divided in the Bible days, why would we believe that HE is divided now? Why would we accept such erroneous teachings, and doctrines?

Can you just imagine how crazy it would be for everyone in heaven sitting around the throne and there being three gods up there to worship people would all be worshiping different ones and have their favorite one to worship. It would be foolish.

(Acts 20:28) “take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the HOLY GHOST hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of GOD WHICH HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD.” My question is since we know that GOD is a SPIRIT, and we know that a spirit doesn’t bleed, then how did GOD purchase a church with HIS OWN BLOOD if JESUS is not GOD?

Only GOD could be alone in the mountains praying and hear the cry of the disciples out at sea beyond the raging winds, and the crashing of the waves. I’ve been to the ocean and was amazed at the noise level of the waves crashing into the shore. Only GOD could hear their cry and come walking on the waters, to rescue them. ONLY GOD! (Matthew 14:22-36). The disciples thought it was a spirit, but JESUS said, “it is I, be not afraid.”

Dearly beloved, the right FOUNDATION is a necessity. Once we can see that it is not one of three gods living in us, we will then realize that the GOD that created the world lives in us. The same GOD that spoke and the stars were hung in the midnight sky, the GOD that spoke light into existence, and separated the firmaments, the GOD that cause is the planets to orbit the sun, causes the planets to hang in midair with no support structure, the GOD that made man out of the dust of the earth, and breathe in him the breath of life. YES, that GOD dwells in you if you have HIS ONE true SPIRIT in you. This GOD’S name is JESUS. The creator of all things and by HIM (JESUS) ALL things consist. (Colossians 1:17).

(Colossians 1:26-27) says, “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” This CHRIST that is in us is the ALMIGHTY GOD. The whole plan of Satan is simply to confuse you about Trinity, and never get you to see that the one True and Living GOD dwells within you. Once we come to this knowledge Satan knows that you will never be defeated, and that your sick loved ones will be healed and the dead will be raised, and the drug addictions will be broken off our kids, and relatives. You will no longer pray in doubt and unbelief, but you will pray with full assurance and confidence knowing that it is ALMIGHTY GOD praying through you. Nothing will be impossible, because you will realize that it’s not you but ALMIGHTY GOD in you.

The Apostle Paul was one of the Greatest Apostles that ever lived, and he wrote over a 3rd of the New Testament. He explains the revelation of JESUS in (I Timothy 3:16) “And without controversy GREAT is the mystery of Godliness: GOD was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, PREACHED unto the Gentiles, believed on “in” the world, “received” up into Glory.”

He starts out saying “without CONTROVERSY.” Controversy meaning A conflict of opinion, to dispute. Controvert meaning to argue against, dispute. 2. to argue about, debate. So, he plainly is telling us without any debating or arguing this is a GREAT mystery. The phrase “Great mystery” means the revealed secret of true devotions to religious duties. Then he begins to explain to us this GREAT mystery. GOD was made manifested in the flesh. GOD was made flesh, appeared in a body, justified in the SPIRIT, vindicated by the SPIRIT. Seen of angels, PREACHED unto the Gentiles, GOD PREACHED among the nations. Was believed on in the world, GOD was believed on in the world. Received up into Glory, meaning GOD was taken back up into Glory. Now although the Apostle Paul gave us a clear understanding here and even told us without arguing, and debating this was a great mystery, many still argue and debate the mystery of GODLINESS. Why would we want to argue against the word of GOD. Just this scripture alone should be enough to clearly convince any believer because it’s not just Paul speaking, but all scriptures are given by the inspiration of GOD. So, we must remember that JESUS is speaking through the Apostle Paul revealing the mystery of GODLINESS. (II Timothy 3:16), and (II Peter 1:20-21) why would we not believe GOD speaking through the Apostle Paul? Because we have been deceived being taught Trinity by our parents, pastors, and religious leaders, but the truth will make us FREE. (John 8:32)

We must first understand there are no contradictions in the word of GOD. When we find a scripture that says the FATHER and the SON in another that says I and MY FATHER are one, we must never try to use one scripture to try to prove another scripture wrong. (Romans 3:4) says, “Let GOD be true but every man a liar.” We should automatically know that the error is not in the word of GOD, but is in us. Sometimes, we don’t understand certain scriptures, but all we must do is pray for understanding. In its time and season, JESUS will reveal the holy scriptures to us. Regardless of what we were previously taught or believed; we must always accept the TRUTH when it is revealed to us. Progressive revelation is as we grow, we learn more and more. Jesus is revealing HIS name unto us and revealing to us the mystery of GODLINESS.

Let’s pray together, JESUS I have given these your people your WORD and the Revelation of your “NAME” that they might know thee the ONE true and living GOD and that they might know your name. Please open the eyes of their understanding, because this revelation can only be revealed through your SPIRIT. FATHER, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and unbelief. Save us from our sins and make us overcomers. FATHER reveal yourself to these people, confirm this WORD in their lives, let each one experience the POWER and REALITY of your name JESUS. Let them feel the realness of your virtue, save LORD, touch and heal their bodies. Bring salvation and deliverance to their homes and lives. FATHER, touch their relatives and loved ones. I know all of us have ones we are praying for and we need YOU to touch them through your OWN NAME JESUS. Let every yoke be destroyed, every stronghold be torn down, let the entrance of your WORD bring light, hope, and great victory, JESUS draw us closer to you through your name, reveal and manifest YOURSELF in even a GREATER way JESUS in YOUR OWN NAME we THANK YOU for YOUR GOODNESS and

LOVE. Amen.

I pray this pamphlet will be a blessing to you and give you more insight and knowledge. I want to really THANK GOD for the man of GOD Bro. David Terrell for constantly seeking GOD, and digging, and searching for deeper truth. For preaching an uncompromising truth for over 50 years we LOVE him so much. For the Pastors that have preached so much word of truth to me and raise me in truth. Mom and dad (Sis. Carolyn Taylor whom I miss so much, and pastor David Taylor) and the special Mom and Dad JESUS had blessed me with, Pastors Brother and Sister Blue. So much word, encouragement, and LOVE they have given me. It’s become the TRUTH these ministers have taught me that so many people have been helped and so many miracles have taken place. To GOD be the GLORY for EVERYTHING HE has done.


GOD’s servant: Bro. Derrick