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June 1, 2022

      Being a Chosen Vessel for JESUS is the greatest thing one can ever achieve in this Life. For GOD to Love YOU enough to Choose YOU! YES JESUS FELT YOU WERE WORTH DYING FOR AT CALVARY!

     Judges 6th Chapter the Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered then into the hand of Midian 7 years. The Midianites in the 5th verse came as Grasshoppers for Multitude and they came to destroy the land. But GOD sent a Prophet, and Angel! The Prophet rebuked the sinful people Judges 6:7-10. The Angel appears to Gideon Judges 6:11-12 telling Gideon the LORD is with thee, thou Mighty Man of Valor.

         Gideon says the LORD hath forsaken Israel but the angel says “THOU” SHALL SAVE ISRAEL from the hand of the Midianites. Judges 6:14,   in verse 15 Gideon says he is Least in his Father’s house, GOD said I will be with thee, and Thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man. Gideon asks GOD for a SIGN. GOD gives him signs to assure him that He is with him! Gideon’s Spirit, and life began to change Immediately, Courage comes into him. Gideon becomes a NEW man He began now to take a stand for Righteousness, and the Kingdom of GOD. He builds an altar and sacrifice to GOD.

    Romans 12:1 I Beseech you therefore brethren by the Mercies of GOD that ye present your Bodies, a LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY, ACCEPTABLE unto GOD, which is your Reasonable service. We are the Sacrifice now; we must offer ourselves to GOD.

But Gideon built an Altar and Sacrifice to GOD then cast down the Altar of Baal. He takes a stand for Righteousness putting his own life on the line. Judges 6:34 says the Spirit of the LORD comes upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, and the people Gathered from different tribes. Gideon put out a fleece to show the people GOD would deliver Israel by His hand. GOD gave them their sign. And 32,000 people came as many are called but few are CHOSEN! Matthew 22:14. JESUS said in Matthew 7:14 strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which Leaded to Life and (few) there be that find it.

  32,000 Men but GOD said whosoever is Fearful, and Afraid let him return; and 22,000 Men ended up being cowards and returned to their homes. 10,000 left; but GOD was not finish as GOD would tell Gideon to take the 10,000 down to the water and everyone that lappeth of the water with his tongue as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself. This would be “300” Men, all the Rest bowed down upon their knees to drink water. GOD spoke and said in 7:7 by the “300 men that lapped” will I save you, and Deliver the Midianites into thine hand. They sent the 9,700 home. “300 Chosen Men” now left.

     300 chosen, careful, skillful men, and proficient. Skillful means accomplished with trained ability. This ability is coming from GOD. The lapping water like a dog shows these men knew how to stay alert, and on guard at all times. As by staying on their feet and lapping water out of their hands they were able to watch and able to move immediately if they needed to. The ones that were on their knees drinking water were trapped in the case of emergent danger. The 300 were poised and ready at all times. These are Habits, and Traits that shows they were Skillful.

     The Diminishing of the Army from 32,000 to 300 meant EITHER TO FIGHT BY FAITH OR NOT FIGHT AT ALL. So GOD was choosing Men of Faith as this 300 would have to face an Army where the men were like Grasshoppers for Multitude 7:12. But one can chase a Thousand and 2 put ten thousand to fight. Deu. 32:30.

     When the Enemy comes in one way he will flee 7 different ways Deu. 28:7. when the odds are against You have Faith in GOD. Mark 9:22.  

 2nd Cor. 5:7 for we walk by FAITH not by sight.  2 Kings 6:16 more be with us than they that be with them!

1 Samuel 16:7 “For man looks at the outward appearances but the LORD look on the heart. GOD called Gideon and GOD Called, and Chose the 300, and GOD has Called YOU!! GOD Calls and Chooses a Person for a Specific Purpose and Task. It’s Important to Realize when GOD Call and Chooses a person HE Anoints them with Wisdom, and Skill to Accomplish the Divine Purpose in which you are called and Chosen to Perform!!

     No matter what the opposition or challenge you face, you will be Successful in Accomplishing and Completing the Mission. If GOD be for you who can be against you? There will always be the Anointing and Spirit of GOD Empowering you and helping you to keep marching and pressing on. It will always continue to pick you up; no Storm or Adversity can ever stop you because you are being empowered by GOD HIMSELF!! HE is the Source of your Strength, Glory!! Nothing can defeat you or keep you down. You become Invincible because you are a Chosen Vessel! Empowered by GOD!!

     The Chosen 300 here are not just Soldiers, but 300 Men Anointed by GOD to fulfill the Promise GOD made in Judges 7:7 “”

By the 300 Men that lapped will I Save You!    Matthew 24:35 shows GOD’S word cannot fail! Each of these men put their life on the line and stood on Faith to face a Multitude with Pitchers, and lamps within the Pitchers. A pitcher in their left hand and a Trumpet in their Right hand, and FAITH IN GOD! Gideon is told by GOD to go down to the camp of the Midianites and spy and listen. Judges 7:9 he hears of the dream that they were talking about regarding him this Encourages him and strengthen His Faith.

     As GOD will always strengthen and encourage those that HE has Chosen!! HE will renew their strength as the Eagle!! Notice Gideon begin to “Worship” 7:15 Here he began to Praise GOD before the Battle. Usually people Praise GOD after the Victory but Gideon shows it’s Ok to SHOUT THE VICTORY NOW! It’s ok to step out in Faith and say Glory!! It’s OK to Praise GOD NOW for whatever you are praying for, you don’t have to wait, and you can Praise GOD now!!! Shout as though it’s already done!!! It’s not how it looks or how your body feels it’s by FAITH! With GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!! Walk by Faith and not by sight! Step out in Faith right now and began to Thank and Praise GOD like you are losing your mind! Let everybody think you are going crazy it’s ok! They will see later why you was Thanking GOD when the Miracle manifest itself, when the Blessing Materialize they will then Praise GOD with you, but don’t wait on the doubting Thomas crew that have to see it to believe it, let GOD know that you believe HIM now, not later but NOW FAITH IS!! Glory! Hallelujah!! Thank YOU JESUS!! You are going to emerge Victorious!

    GOD causes his enemies to turn their swords on each other 120,000 killed. Gideon’s Army is saying the Sword of the LORD and of Gideon, because of the dream they heard about that the enemy was saying this is Gideon destroying our people.

     Gideon calls on the other tribes to head the remaining Midianites off that are fleeing. Ephraim does that and even kills the 2 Princes, and brings their heads to Gideon. Then try to start a Quarrel among them arguing at Gideon. Amazing how everyone wants the lime light. Their argument is why did you call us to just do this; as they wanted to get the fame and GLORY. Gideon used Humility, and Wisdom esteeming them higher than himself and his men.  Basically PRAISING them for catching the 2 Princes, that is far Greater than the other men that we dealt with. Their ego was lifted up and they were happy with that. But the point here is no one should have told them to attack the enemy as they knew an enemy was in the land, why did they not come to help. Once they are fleeing they are willing to help and even many of the cowards that went home early now have courage, and now they want the Glory Amazing!

     Gideon is of the Tribe of Manasseh, and this is the Tribe of Ephraim which was actually 2 brothers these tribes derived from. Gideon keeps the peace as this would be brother against brother. A Brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city! Proverbs 18:19.  Now Gideon could not use them as it simply would not work as his orders FROM GOD WAS BY THE 300 THAT LAPPED WATER WILL I DELIVER YOU!! One Principle is they don’t believe Gideon is Chosen by GOD to deliver HIS people, and they don’t believe the 300 are CHOSEN!! Dearly Beloved it does not matter whether some believe in you or not or whether they believe you are Chosen! It does not matter when GOD Chooses a person they are what GOD has made them and called them to be. It doesn’t matter about their pass or where they came from or ethnic background! GOD can use any race HE chooses as long as one stick with the Promise and the WORD of GOD! Even when the odds are stacked against you remember the WORD will never fail, stand on the WORD!! In ALL thy ways Acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:7 when you are Chosen you never let someone else dictate how you should do what GOD has called you to do when they are not called or chosen of GOD. Their ways and plans will conflict with what GOD’S plans are and they will not understand the plans of GOD or will of GOD. Their ways may sound good but will always clash with GOD’S Divine will. Isaiah 55:8 For MY thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the LORD. (9) For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are MY ways higher than your ways. Remember GOD CHOSE YOU and HE has a Plan for you to carry out. Many will not understand it or understand you!! Can you imagine if Gideon told the Ephramites that he was going to use Pitchers and lamps and a Trumpet in this battle? 1 Corinthians 2:14

     Now the 300 CHOSEN pursues the 15,000 that got away and cross Jordan. Here you have fighting men as they have the 2 Kings with them and trying to escape they made it across the passes, and fords before the Ephramites shut the paths off.  But we see now in Judges 8:4 that the 300 Chosen Men are FAINT YET PURSUING them! FAINT YET PURSUING!! This is VERY IMPORTANT to note:  AS NONE IS COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING TIRED OR HUNGRY EACH OF THESE WOULD RATHER DIE THEN TO GIVE UP!!! Determine to accomplish that which GOD has called them to do. ENDURING HARDNESS as a Good Soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3 Know GOD will supply all their need according to HIS Riches in Glory. Phil. 4:19. Here they HAVE NO FOOD, WEARY, AND TIRED BUT MARCHING FORWARD PURSUING 15,000 ARMED AND TRAINED SOLDIERS only 300 of them. But armed with FAITH IN GOD!! These Chosen Men would pursue this 15,000 as they understand they were born for such a time as this. CHOSEN To Destroy the Enemies of GOD! CHOSEN TO EMERGE VICTORIOUS!!

     GOD did not just choose you to fight but chose you to WIN!! You are More than a Conqueror!! Romans 8:37 Fainting yet Pursuing!! Weary, Tired, Hungry, but giving up is not an option, stopping is not an option, the only Option is finish the Mission and Destroy the Enemies of GOD from off the face of the Earth. Putting the Call of GOD before their own comfort, and needs, and trusting GOD to supply their need. Yes indeed these are Chosen Men. Many are called but few are Chosen!! When you are Chosen it’s just something inside so strong that empowers you to March on despite the hardships and things you are dealing with!

     They ask their own people for help, the men of Succoth and the men of Penuel. Not to help fight this battle but to simply give the tired and weary 300 Chosen Men Bread for Strength, and Nourishment to carry on pursuing the 15,000.  Each turns them down. Now it may seem no one is trying to help you but keep marching. Some that can come to your aid want come but keep marching!! Glory! Keep on Marching Soldier in JESUS name you will be Victorious! Now each of these Succoth and Penuel turns them down because they simply have no Faith! They know that 15,000 men just passed by with 2 Kings. Then here is 300 men asking for food to fight against 15,000. Each feel these 300 will be slaughtered and these Kings will then find out who aided them in giving them bread etc. Then they can come back and destroy all those that helped them after they destroy the 300. So each of their Brethren Refuse to give them Bread although they are actually fighting for them also and their families! Chosen ones when your own family and love ones won’t help you keep marching. When friends turn their backs keep marching, when others say I have went as far as I can and they fall off and turn back, keep marching! Remember how All forsook the LORD JESUS but HE Finished the mission hanging on the cross ALONE but defeated all enemies, death, hell and the grave!! Triumph over every Principality and Power and made a show of them openly! Coming out of the grave declaring ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH IS IN MY HAND!! Glory!! And JESUS is WITH YOU and will never leave you nor forsake you! Hallelujah March forward in JESUS name Victory is yours. Amazing here how these 300 are putting their lives on the line and their brethren the people of Succoth, and Penuel will not even give them bread to eat!

 2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this TREASURE in earthen Vessels, that the Excellency of the Power may be of GOD and not of ourselves. (8). We are Troubled on every side, yet NOT Distressed; we are Perplexed, but NOT in Despair. (9). Persecuted, but NOT Forsaken; Cast down, but not destroyed, (10). Always bearing about in the body the dying of the LORD JESUS, that the Life also of JESUS might be made manifested in our own body.

 Hebrews 11:34 this “300” out of Weakness were made STRONG, Waxed Valiant in Fight, turn to Flight the Armies of the aliens.  When they had no strength left God became their Strength, when they could go no further, and fight no more, The Anointing of God took them over!!.  They fought like men from another World!! Strength and Power and Might possessed them as God was their Strength!! “300” Men against 15,000 trained fighting men protected their King.  “300” Anointed and Chosen men came to Kill them and take their 2 kings from them!!!  They were CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL! The Call of God on their lives propel them to Fight, when they were Faint, Weary, You must remember Jesus is Your Strength He has Chosen and Anointed YOU to Fight and to Overcome every Trial, Problem, Sickness, Situation, demon, obstacle, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER BECAUSE YOU ARE CHOSEN BY GOD TO BE VICTORIOUS!!   

     In the midst of all the Adversity and no one wants to help. The CHOSEN 300 realize GOD is their Helper! Hebrews 13:6 So that we may boldly say, the LORD is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. We must understand there are times you must walk ALONE!! There are times GOD will not allow help to come from others, as HE is Teaching YOU to solely Trust and Depend on HIM. The Experience You gain during these times of abandonment and neglect from others is Priceless.

         The 300 marched on as they were CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL. Revelation 17:14 they overtake the 15,000 they Capture the 2 Midianite Kings!! Zeba and Zalmunna. Gideon brings them back to Succoth and shows them to their unbelieving Brethren, They Punish the Elders of the City with Briars, and Thorns from the Wilderness. Then they began to kill the men of Penuel, and destroyed their Tower which they had trusted in.  

           So Gideon taught his brethren of Succoth and Penuel a valuable lesson. To stand on GOD’s side regardless of how the odds or circumstances seem, but they learn Never to go against GOD, or HIS people because of fear of the enemy.

         The 300 CHOSEN; Faint, Hungry, Weary, but Pressed on to Victory. The Children of Israel decided to make Gideon their King but he turned that opportunity down. Went back to his farm and lived in his same home. As he stayed humble showing that it was really never about him. But HE was Chosen by GOD to do a work for GOD.

         This message was very important as we found that these 300 had impeccable Faith in their GOD and in their General Gideon. These men show us a great example of Loyalty, Integrity and what real Soldiers of GOD really are. They were faint and hungry but they went through all of this not murmuring, or complaining. Their humility is a Great teacher to us as we March Forward in life. Despite the hardships, trial, and adversity we must accomplish what we were born, and Chosen by GOD to accomplish. We understand that it does not matter about what all comes against us, or the odds as the Battle is the LORD’S!

         We are Chosen by GOD, to do what GOD has Chosen us to do, we must always remember if GOD called us, and Chose us HE will give us everything we need to complete the task HE has Chosen us to do. GOD will always FINISH the GOOD work HE begun in us.

                                                                                CHOSEN BY GOD

                                                                                GOD’S Servants’ Bro. Derrick and Sis. Janice