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March 22, 2022

Luke 12:22-31, Matthew 6:31, Proverbs 23:7, Phil. 2:5, Romans 12:2, Phil. 4:19 

Last night Luke 12:29; this scripture came to me and I began to study to see what exactly the LORD JESUS was saying to me.

As I began to study so much unfolded as JESUS was teaching the Disciples to TRUST HIM in Luke 12:22-31. Telling them NOT TO WORRY, OR FEAR, OR BE AFRAID!  HE was telling them to not be of a DOUBTFUL MIND. Don’t fit in that category as HE shows in Verse (30) the Nations of the world fit in that category. We must remember we are in the World but not of the World. Worrying and Doubting is not a part of the Kingdom of GOD. The Kingdom of GOD Is having Faith and Believing GOD for any and everything we need and desire!

 Take NOTE: That JESUS did (not) say do not be of (a) Doubtful mind. But Neither Be Ye of Doubtful Mind!  Meaning everything on the negative side and doubt side is another world that the Believer does not supposed to dwell in. That goes along with the Nations of the World. But GOD’S People are a FAITH People that know that WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!! Mark 10:27

      JESUS is now taking the Church to a place in HIM where there is Total Trust and Faith. When we were children we did not worry about what we would eat for breakfast or lunch. We knew our Father and Mother would have something prepared for us or some Captain-Crunch cereal or our favorite brand! I remember our Son Derrick II as I would stop by McDonalds on my way to his school and we would have breakfast together there sometimes and he never worried about breakfast or food. And as children we did not worry; as most of us did not because we had food, and a FATHER that cared and loved us or a Mother that made sure we had our meals. But the point here JESUS is trying to get us to see this was our Biological Parents and we TRUSTED Them! How much more shall we Trust OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.  Phil. 4:19 My GOD Shall Supply (ALL) our needs according to HIS riches in Glory. Our FATHER knows what we have need of before we ask. Luke 12:30   

      Oh this scripture rebuked me in so many ways as I had to REPENT! I began to think of how many things we ponder over and worry about when there should be Total Trust and Faith in OUR FATHER! HE even rubs it in Verses 24-28 saying look at the Lilies of the field how HE takes care of them, and then the Fowls how they don’t have barns to store up food. Think about that; no Refrigerator, no barn to store the food in, but JESUS takes care of each of them. The Mother Bird gets up in the morning with 6 little hungry babies after she has slept all night NOT WORRYING about tomorrow. Then gets up and heads out to find food for the babies and before long she is headed back to the nest with food and all the little baby birds are singing and dancing and having a party! (smile) But NO WORRY! How can a Mother Bird have more Faith than GOD’S People?

      I began to think how GOD wants us to Trust HIM as a FATHER that provides. JESUS asked the Disciples what they lacked when they were out Ministering and they thought about it and said nothing! As they realize that their needs were being met! When something ran out someone was already bringing them what they needed.

      Now we must Remember Our FATHER rain down Manna from Heaven and fed over 3 &1/2 Million hungry people. Then sent Quail that they could just reach their hand out and grab.  It was so many! What about Water coming out of a Flint Rock as GOD made a RIVER in the Desert!! How about the Ravens bringing Bread, and Meat twice a day to Elijah. And the angel waking up Elijah and there is a Cruise of water at his head, and a meal being cooked on coals of fire! Wow Cold fresh water and a HOT Meal, He is awaken again and another meal is prepared by the Angel for him!! 1 Kings19th chapter. This is OUR FATHER PROVIDING SUPERNATURALLY! HE is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever! HE is Concern about YOUR EVERY NEED (YES YOU)!!! You are HIS Child HE is your FATHER! With GOD there is no Respecter of persons!! HE has always been a FATHER THAT PROVIDES, AND SUPPLIES ALL OF THE NEEDS OF HIS CHILDREN! The song says a GOOD, GOOD FATHER!

      Phil. 2:5 Let this Mind Be in you which was also in CHRIST JESUS! JESUS had the Mind of GOD. Being GOD manifested in the flesh. And John 4:24 GOD is a SPIRIT! So JESUS has a Spiritual Mind!  Are you following me so far?? Now the Scriptures says as HE is in this world so are we! 1st John 4:17. We are to be just like JESUS HE is our perfect example! Psalms 37:37    When HE woke up HE did not worry about where HIS food would come from. Think about the disciples toiling all night trying to catch fish and JESUS tells them to launch out into the deep and let your nets down for a draught. Luke 5:4 

      John 21:12   JESUS says come and Dine! There is fish on the coals cooking and bread! The Disciples have just come to land and they have pulled in the huge load of fish and the nets did not break another ship had to come and help them retrieve all the Fish. JESUS had told them to cast their nets on the RIGHT SIDE of the ship and ye shall find. Luke 21:6 although they had fished all night and not caught anything. Now JESUS is telling us to cast on the RIGHT SIDE the side with NO Doubt or Fear. Pray TOTALLY BELIEVING, PRAY TOTALLY TRUSTING IN OUR FATHER! This RIGHT way works and will yield us the Results we are praying for.

 = Romans 12:2  Be ye not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the Renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and Perfect, will of GOD. 

= Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

This is why GOD wants us to NOT conform to this world but to be transformed. Don’t fit into the Doubtful mind club! That is for the people of the World not the Believers! We are to have a mind of FAITH and Total Trust in OUR FATHER!

= The Principle we have to see in this scripture is we are Transformed by the RENEWING OF OUR MIND! We have to completely get rid of our Doubtful minds. As EVERYTHING that is not of FAITH is sin! Romans 14:23

 As Believers, and Children, of the Most High GOD; HE wants us to (not) have Doubtful Mind as the Nations of the World. GOD does not want us to worry and have a doubtful mind like Meteorite; where the wind blows it one direction, and then the next! We are to be steadfast Totally Believing, Totally Trusting, Totally Knowing that we have a FATHER that has us covered, and has everything already worked out for us, and is going to MEET OUR EVERY NEED! OUR FATHER is not like some natural Fathers that do not take care of their children. OUR FATHER LOVES us far too much to not meet our needs, and HE even goes beyond our needs and even gives us the desires of our heart.

 JESUS is taking us from living for HIM and operating from a Doubtful mind to Renewing our Minds where we have a Mind of FAITH! Where we have the Mind of GOD! John 4:24 GOD is a SPIRIT = so we are moving from our natural and carnal minds into the Mind of the SPIRIT. Now this is a Totally different World as GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT LIKE OUR WAYS AND HIS THOUGHTS ARE NOT LIKE OUR THOUGHTS AS FAR AS THE HEAVENS ARE FROM THE EARTH ARE HIS WAYS FROM OURS AND HIS THOUGHTS FROM OUR THOUGHTS! Isaiah 55:9 JESUS is NOW Renewing the MIND of the Church where we operate from a Spiritual mind the very MIND of GOD! We must now take on this Mind of CHRIST AND LET HIS MIND BE IN US! The very Mind of GOD! Phil. 2:5   A mind with no doubt, or fear, or worry!

      As we allow our Minds to be transformed by the process of being Renewed we began to think differently as a man thinketh in his heart so is he! Meaning we become Men and Women of Total, Absolute Faith! No doubt or wavering! We have to realize that GOD IS WITH US! EMMANUEL!! Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23. In knowing this it takes Doubt and fear away as this is why they that KNOW their GOD shall be strong and do Exploits!

     Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I AM with Thee: be not dismayed; for I AM Thy GOD: I WILL Strengthen Thee, yea I WILL Help Thee; yea I WILL Uphold Thee with the Right Hand of MY Righteousness.  Also Isaiah 43:2.

JESUS is with us and IN us! We must Trust OUR FATHER TOTALLY. As Perfect LOVE cast out all fear! YOUR FATHER is with you and will bring You through every storm, every sickness, every financial crisis, every heartache, all of your fears and pain! Glory YOU have a FATHER that is saying Trust ME, BELIEVE in ME! I AM going to meet your every need! I am going to take GOOD care of you because I LOVE YOU AND I AM YOUR FATHER!!!! Don’t be Ye of Doubtful Mind but BELIEVE in ME as I will Never Fail YOU, or leave YOU or forsake YOU again I AM YOUR FATHER!!  Glory!!

 Please study this Message as it will totally change your life and the way you view and look at circumstances and situations. As we begin to cast down the doubtful mind we will find that we are taking on the Mind of CHRIST and being RENEWED in our Minds with a totally New Mind set a Mind of FAITH and POWER! A Mind that no circumstance or situation can alter. As the Apostle Paul said I BELIEVE GOD!! Not what the Storm says that I am in, Not what the bill collectors say, Not what my bank account statement say, not what the Doctor says or even the pain in my body, but I chose to BELIEVE GOD! As we grasp this Renewing we will see the Power of GOD in our lives and situation like we have never dream or imagined before! As we will find out that there is really NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD! I Trust this message to Transform your mind and life as you start your journey right now of Not Being Ye of Doubtful Mind.

                          GOD’S Servants Bro. Derrick and Sis. Janice

                           Always praying for you and your family day and night