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January 2, 2022


Phil 3:13-14, Exodus 3:8, Deu. 2:3, Isaiah 52:14, 53:5, 55:8-9, 1 Sam. 17:34-37, 17:47, Proverbs 13:22, 14:12,

18:14, 18:21, 29:18, Romans 8:28, 8:31, 8:37, 12:2, Numbers 21:8-9, 22:12, Isaiah 64:4, I Cor 2:9,

Acts 14:22, Joel 2:28-29, Rev. 3:19, 12:11, Isaiah 54:17, Hebrews 11:39-40, 7:25, 2 Thess 2:3,

Matthew 10:16, 24:14, 24:35, 21:13, Daniel 11:32, Mark 10:27, 11:15, 15:14, 9:23, John 1:29, and Col. 2:15

 The Apostle Paul states in the book of Philippians 3:13-14 that He was Pressing On! Pressing toward the mark for the prize of the High calling in CHRIST JESUS! I Am Pressing ON! In pressing on to become all that you can be in CHRIST, the Christian Soldier must realize this is an Individual call! So if Mother don’t go, father don’t go, wife, husband, kids, or friends the Believer has to be determined to go on even if it means walking alone! Some times in this journey of life we will lose dear love ones. This past my wife lost her mother and we lost one of our dear brothers and fellow soldier in the LORD; Brother Eddy Taylor. They all went on to be with the LORD, and we all had so many plans; I was crushed and broken but JESUS picked me up, I had to keep marching and JESUS gave me Strength to Press on! So for You that have broken hearts and has lost love ones I want you to know you still have to Press On, as we will see them again soon, when this war is over! When a Soldier dies on the battlefield the war does not stop the Military has to Press on! When one is wounded in combat they still have to press on! Glory!

 Now Pressing On must not be based on a church, group, or organization.  Each soldier must have a Vision; for without a Vision the people Perish. Proverb 29:18 one must know that GOD has a Plan and Divine Purpose for his/her life! When there is a Vision the Spirit of man will sustain his infirmity. Proverb 18:14 you will Press on when you are weary, tired, and when friends and family say they cannot go any further:  You will Press On! Many will wonder how you can press on in time of such adversity. But it will be JESUS carrying you through every storm.

 In Going forward and Forgetting those things that are behind one must realize you can’t drive forward looking backward. Your PAST is the PAST! It does not always define your future. Meaning your failures in the past GOD turns into Valuable lessons where you can learn and grow from your mistakes. Some of the people in your past were for your past. Too many times we try to bring those folks into our future. Some of them don’t belong in your future and must stay in your past. As some people never mature, evolve, or grow up! The same ways spiritually some don’t grow up and mature spiritually and some never will. The will of their flesh will always be stronger than the will of the Spirit in them. The Soldier has to evolve so this means leaving them behind. Not everyone in your past belongs in your future. Now when there are many negative things from the past, you must leave them in the past with the negative people of the past. You may say preacher what are you talking about? When there are people that hold you back, and hinder you, and keep you from being the vessel that GOD has ordained you to be then you have to make a grown-up decision to either stay and die with them or cut them off and live.

 Now in forgetting those things which are behind; we know and understand there are some good things in the past! And King David’s past help him as he remembered how GOD helped him kill the Bear, and the Lion. How he was able to deliver the Sheep out of the paw of the Lion, and the Bear with the Power of Almighty GOD Helping him. This looking back in the past gave him Faith to overcome Goliath the Great Philistine Giant! 1 Samuel 17:34-37, and 17:47 where it declares the Battle is the LORD’S! Rev. 12:11 and they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony! So we are not talking about looking back on Your Testimonies and forgetting them, as we understand this is what causes us to OVERCOME! But we cannot look back on negativity, and things that will hold us back and bring us back into bondage and weigh us down! But here we don’t want to just dwell in the past as David used these Great Miracles to move him forward past Goliath the Philistine Giant! Some call this looking backward to move forward! So there are some GOOD & Positive things in the past that strengthens our faith! But we have to PRESS ON! And not look back and dwell on negative things, and failures or things that will pull us back into the past and hinder our Spiritual Growth!

Now let’s not just stop on negative things, but also many of the Positives must be left in your past; meaning many times we can get excited about what we did and accomplish in the Past. And we dwell on this and talk about how we use to pray, fast, and the natural things also and one becomes stuck in time, and find themselves not evolving, or growing but complacency sets in and the scripture says WOE unto those that are at ease in Zion! Amos 6:1 Complacency is a silent killer!  Many caught up in the past fail to stop and ask themselves the Question, what is JESUS doing right NOW in my life?

Can you still Evolve, and Grow in Grace and the Knowledge of Our LORD and Savior?

 Moses you been at this Mountain too Long. Deuteronomy 2:3 you have compassed this Mountain long enough!

Believers will tell you of their past testimonies but what about Right Now!! GOD is still real RIGHT NOW! GOD is not a GOD of Yesteryear; HE has New Experiences, Victories, and Miracles for YOU! NOW FAITH IS! Hebrew 11:1 GOD is waiting on the Church to Explore HIM!!! Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things GOD hath prepared for them that Love HIM! 1 Cor. 2:9

 Moses and the Children of Israel were told they had been at this Mountain too long, and told to turn NORTHWARD! 38 Years or so of circling Mount Seir as GOD was chastising them for murmuring and unbelief but also preparing them for Canaan! After circling this particular Mountain 38 years and complacency was setting in, and all of the men of war that had come back with a negative report of the promise land had died off in the wilderness. Their negative report affected their children and their Tribes as they had exalted the Giants above their GOD! We must be careful what we say as the power of life and death is in the tongue!  Proverb: 18:21. So they headed north and on their way to the promise land some began to murmur and complain! Old habits are hard to break! Now this is after 38 years of watching those that had come back with a negative report die in the wilderness, and still now on their way to Canaan the Promise land some are still complaining about the hardships in the wilderness! They provoked GOD and serpents began to destroy them! Moses made a brazen serpent and told them to look and live, and those that looked upon this brazen serpent lived! Representing the Cross, and those that look to JESUS as HE is the antidote for sin, sickness, disease or whatever we need!

Numbers 21:8-9

 The Journey continued NORTH PRESSING ON! And GOD told them not to meddle with the Moabites or Amorites! Now this is difficult as these were their enemies and tried to get Balaam to curse them so they could defeat them! But GOD says not to Meddle with them! They continue to march north and an Army awaits them ready to destroy them and their King Sihon, King of Heshbon. Who would have thought that Pressing ON Northward would mean running right into the Army of Heshbon that is waiting to kill all of the Children of Israel? They Press on straight towards this Army soon a train wreck, they will clash into Sihon’s trained Army of Heshbon! But GOD tells Moses HE would deliver King Sihon and his Army into the hands of the children of Israel! The enemy thought they were being delivered into their hands! GOD’S Orders were to Press on Northward and take the cities, kill everyone take no hostages! While the wilderness was preparing the Children of Israel for their inheritance, the sins of Heshbon were preparing them for GOD’S wrath! Joshua the Military General led the Army of GOD and destroyed Heshbon and their King and conquered all of their cities! Now amazing here to realize for a moment that the Children of Israel many had never lived in homes as they were born in the wilderness! Those born in the Wilderness had never seen anything like this before!! But now they will have gardens and a home with rooms and able to plant and reap their harvest and fruits, nuts, vegetables and etc.

GOD knows how to bless and prosper HIS People! The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just! Proverbs 13:22

 PRESSING ON Northward now another Army! Only this one is the Great King Og, King of Bashan and a GIANT whose couch is 13 and a 1/2 ft. long and 6 feet wide! He is twice the height of an ordinary man! A Giant that is tough as nails some would say. And slept on a couch made of Iron! “Sixty” Walled Cities, Fortified, and Bars; and many un-walled towns!  An Army that felt they were Invincible! They went out to destroy Israel the Army of GOD!

This is called the Great Battle of Edrei! GOD told Moses to do to them the same thing they did to King Sihon and the Heshbon Army! Now notice here it did not matter to GOD how BIG the Giant was or his reputation or how Big this Army was or the number of soldiers! The orders were the same Press on Northward and do the same to King OG and his Army as you did to Sihon and his Army, destroy them {all} and TAKE NO HOSTAGES KILL EVERYBODY! They did just that as they destroyed his Army and this Giant was no match for the GOD of Israel that fights our Battles! He died with his Great Army! Their Cities and towns now belonged to the Children of Israel! These homes now belong to them and the gardens and trees! Now when you have slept in the Desert all your life this was amazing as now you have a home and beds! They pressed on as soon they would be crossing Jordan River to conquer and take over the country there but they would have to fight to possess the Promise land! The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent taketh by force! Matthew 11:12

 JESUS had been beat very badly the night before going to the cross and HIS beard pulled out, HE would take

9 lashes causing 351 wounds! Isaiah 52:14 HIS Visage was so marred more than any man and HIS form more than the sons of men! Beat worse than any man had ever been beaten before! But knowing that by HIS stripes we would be healed! Hebrews 12:2 For the Joy that was set before HIM Endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of GOD! When you Press On by Faith You look beyond the hardships and the pain! Knowing Your GOD will come through for you. JESUS looked beyond the suffering and pain; HE beheld the BIG Picture of Conquering Death, Hell, the Grave, and every sickness and disease! Having Spoiled Principalities and Powers, HE made a show of them openly, Triumphing over them in it! Every Principality and Power JESUS TRIUMP OVER! Col. 2:15 Making a way for {US} where we know that no matter what we face JESUS is with us and we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS if

We press on by Faith! The Victory is yours, the Healing is yours, and the Ministry is yours.  PRESS ON! You were born to defeat the Giants in your life! With GOD all things are possible! Mark 10:27 as the Old Testament was a shadow of the things to come it was natural now we are in a Spiritual battle! But we must PRESS ON!

 2022 is the year of Another Level! There is a higher height and deeper depth in GOD! Now your Latter is Greater than your former! You were born for such a time as this to see the Glory of GOD in a way it has never been unveiled before!  You can Possess More POWER, and A Greater Anointing. You can explore a place in GOD that you have never explored before! There is a Ministry GOD wants you to walk into, and GOD wants YOU to answer the call of GOD on Your Life, YES YOU! Sickness, disease can be defeated, sin, addictions, can be defeated; NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!  Isaiah 54:17

 That love one can be delivered and saved, that ministry will come forth but you have to Keep PRESSING ON! If GOD BE FOR YOU WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU! VICTORY AWAITS YOU! You have to get everything out of your heart, in order for the fullness of God to be revealed in your life.

                                                                                  GOD’S Servant Bro. Derrick and Sis. Janice