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November 4, 2021

 Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, Matthew 3:1 in these verses you will find JESUS Promised US HE would pour out HIS SPIRIT.

 Isaiah 44:3, Hosea 6:3, Joel 2:23 These 3 Prophets you will find Promises the SPIRIT of GOD would be poured out upon us.

 John 14:16,17,18   JESUS began to declare that HE would NOT leave us Comfortless, and began to explain that {I} AM with You but Shall be {IN} You. 18th verse here the first word is {I} will not leave you comfortless {I} will come to you.

This Chapter dealing with verse 14:16 many were confused as to thinking when JESUS said another HE was referring to someone else when actually HE was referring to HIMSELF coming back in another form which was SPIRIT. HE was simply explaining HE was coming back in SPIRIT Form. Speaking of HIMSELF NOT a 3RD person of a Trinity. HE said I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you. I as in HIMSELF!

      John 14:6 show that JESUS is the TRUTH; as HE is the SPIRIT of TRUTH that HE was referring to not someone else. John 14:17, John 16:13. HE says I dwell with you but I shall be {IN} YOU!! HE IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, HE is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE according to the Holy Scriptures.

 JESUS COMING BACK WITHIN THE BELIEVER IS VITAL AND HAS BEEN THE “MISSING INGREDIENT” The Church has tried to substitute and operate without the HOLYGHOST. As the HOLYGHOST IS SIMPLY THE SPIRIT OF JESUS. The old people called it the Ghost of JESUS or the SPIRIT that was in JESUS now coming to dwell within us! The Spirit of JESUS is simply the SPIRIT OF GOD THAT WAS PLACED IN A BODY THAT WAS PREPARED FOR HIM. Hebrews 10:5

THE HOLYGHOST IS SIMPLY THE SPIRIT OF JESUS WITHIN US. Colossians 1:27 CHRIST (IN) US THE HOPE OF GLORY! This Mystery had been hidden for Generations but now revealed!

 Acts 1:8 But Ye SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THAT HOLY GHOST  IS COME UPON YOU!! The Word “POWER” here means DUTIMUS in the Greek meaning Dynamite or Explosive. GOD is saying I AM going to give MY PEOPLE FIRE POWER! Power over all devils, Power over every sickness and disease, Power to live Right, Glory! Power to Preach and Teach! The Church needs Power. This is the Missing Ingredient! We need the Book of Acts HOLYGHOST because it is the POWER OF GOD IN US!

Mark 16:17-20 says These Signs shall follow them that Believe. The Believer is supposed to have sick healing, and dead raising Power! GOD’S Power within us!

 1Cor. 6:19, Mark 10:27, Col. 1:27 With JESUS in us all things are possible with this HOLY GHOST  DWELLING IN US ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! BECAUSE IT’S THE SPIRIT OF JESUS WITHIN US!

Peter and John in Acts 3:1-8 said Silver and Gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name of JESUS! The cripple man was healed immediately and began to leap and praise GOD.  He had never walked before but here are 2 men that had received the HOLY GHOST.

Philip in Acts 8:5-8 turned the whole city upside down as verse 8 says GREAT JOY was in the city the people were Rejoicing and excited at all the Miracles that were taking place.

1John 3:8 says for this purpose JESUS was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. If this was HIS purpose then we must realize His Purpose does not change just because HE lives in us. We have to defeat sickness and disease and wins souls to CHRIST as the mission is still the same only JESUS is coming in us in SPIRIT. We call it the HOLYGHOST which is the SPIRIT of JESUS within the Believer!

 Acts 4:31  The believers were being persecuted and they went to RELOAD TO GET ANOTHER CLIP THEY NEEDED MORE FIRE POWER, MORE  HOLY GHOST!! They prayed and More Power fell upon them they were filled with the HOLY GHOST AND POWER! The Ground began to shake and Quake as Power fell upon the Believers! They were now ready to face the Persecution.

 Acts 5:15 Peter’s Shadow is healing the sick the anointing from his shadow as so much HOLY GHOST  POWER IS IN HIM!! Amazing the Power that GOD has for HIS Church!!

Acts 9:36-39 Peter says Tabitha ARISE and raises her from the DEAD! Raising the dead was easy once they got the HOLY GHOST! Glory as JESUS is in them and flowing through the Believers, HE is not dead but ALIVE and living in the Believers as we are the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST! We are the Habitation of GOD!

Acts 10:44-48 While Peter Spoke the HOLY GHOST fell on Cornelius family and now they have Power, Dead raising Power Mountain moving Power they found what was missing they got the Missing INGREDIENT!

 Acts 10:38 says how JESUS was anointed with the HOLYGHOST AND POWER how HE went about doing GOOD and HEALING all that was Oppressed of the devil. If JESUS had to be filled with the SPIRIT when HE was in a fleshly body then HE is our example! We got to get the Missing Ingredient; we got to get the Power!!!

 Acts 26:8 The Apostle Paul says why would you think it a thing Incredible for GOD to raise the dead??? Paul realize that the HOLY GHOST is JESUS in us and JESUS is GOD IN THE FLESH ACCORDING TO 1Timothy 3:16. So it’s not incredible because GOD made man out of the dust of the earth and if GOD is in us this is easy because it’s not us it’s GOD that made the word flowing through us. The HOLY GHOST RAISES THE DEAD AND CAUSES THE MIRACULOUS TO HAPPEN.

 We need the Missing Ingredient which is the HOLY GHOST THE BIBLICAL HOLY GHOST THAT BRINGS THE POWER OF GOD INTO A LIVING REALITY IN OUR EVERY DAY LIVES. This is what changes the World and changes the lives and hearts of men. This is what raises the dead and heals all sickness and disease. This is what gives the Church Power over sin and habits. This is what makes us Powerful and Empowers the Church. Glory!! It’s coming it’s being poured out right now! Glory GOD PROMISED HE WOULD POUR OUT THE HOLY GHOST AND GOD DON’T LIE IT’S ON THE WAY IT’S COMING DOWN NOW!!! GLORY!!  RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST!! PRAY AND CRY OUT TO GOD FOR THE HOLY GHOST: IT’S THE MISSING INGREDIENT YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE!!! IT BELONGS TO YOU! CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY!

                                                                                  GOD’S Servant Bro Derrick and Sis Janice


It’s your time and season to receive the outpouring of

The Holy Ghost.  We are praying for you and your family!

Be EMPOWERED BY GOD!! Receive the Missing Ingredient!!