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November 4, 2021

     TWO FACED FAITH is a Message to get the Believers to understand the Dynamics of FAITH and how FAITH works. Many have fail and lost their vision and many even died because they did not understand the Principles of Faith. This Message I feel will help the Believer to understand basic principles of Faith. The Prophet Hosea said in 4:6 That MY People are destroyed because of lack of Knowledge! This knowledge can make the difference in Life and Death and Blessings and Curses. So sit back and let’s explore TWO FACED FAITH Together! As JESUS wants to Empower the Believers with a deep knowledge of simple and basic TRUTH about FAITH!

TWO FACED FAITH is like a Quarter which has 2 sides in which we call Heads and Tail. One side you see the Face of President George Washington which we identify as the Heads side of the Quarter. But we can all agree this is simply the {SAME} Quarter! It’s NOT 2 different Quarters because of it having 2 different sides but it’s One Quarter with 2 sides!

FAITH is the same way! There is a TRIAL OF FAITH which is one side, and the other side we call the REWARD OF FAITH! It’s very important to understand this Principle. That Faith has to be looked at as TWO FACED FAITH! When one do not understand this Principle the enemy easily steal, kill, and destroys! Yes many have lost their lives, families, business, Ministry; all because they did not realize Faith has to be looked at as TWO FACED FAITH! Which is THE TRIAL OF FAITH AND THE REWARD OF FAITH?

DURING THE TRIAL OF FAITH = One will feel sometimes abandon and forsaken, it will seem everything is going wrong. Some will even lose precious love ones to death and tragedies. Losing Marriages, and Jobs, homes being taken away! Now you may say Preacher this does not seem like FAITH!! This seems like a Curse! One not understanding TWO FACED FAITH will think along those lines and worse. But Faith has to be {Tried and Tested}! In Galatians 5:22 we find that FAITH IS A FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT! Yes a FRUIT of the Spirit. Now an Apple Tree will start with a seed and once planted into the soil it becomes a plant budding up out of the soil. This baby tree can be pulled up very easily! It has to be NOURISHED! As it is nourished it begins to GROW and becomes a Tree that produces many apples. So a Giant Tree starts with just a seed planted in the Earth! The Giant Redwood Trees that one can actually drive cars and Semi-Trucks through actually started as a seed and a little plant.

     This is why Peter said in 1 Peter 1:7 that the TRYING of our Faith is more Precious than Gold! The trying and testing of our FAITH is what causes it to Grow. Adversity causes us to be strengthening with each trial and test. We must understand that GOD is Sovereign and that {ALL} things work together for our GOOD! We must know this without any doubt that GOD is Sovereign. That HE is in complete control even when we are dealing with adversity and things that don’t seem to make any sense! Meaning Isaiah said in Isaiah 53:10 that it PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM!!! What Father would be pleased to see his child tortured and murdered?? GOD’s ways are paradox. Isaiah 55:8 & 9 declares that GOD’S ways are not like ours, and as far as the heaven is from the earth is HIS ways from ours! IT PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM! Think about that as it actually pleased the LORD to bruise HIS ONLY SON!! Then we go to Hebrews 12:2 saying for the JOY that was set before HIM HE Endured the Cross! To the Natural man none of this makes any sense. A FATHER Pleased to see HIS ONLY SON be Beat and murdered!

     To understand this better one must realize GOD is Sovereign and Isaiah 46:10 reveals to us that GOD KNOWS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING! So many things our finite minds cannot grasp but GOD has the entire plan in his hand and knows the end from the beginning. So we must TRUST our GOD when we don’t understand, and when we are in adversities and dealing with tragedies and know that HE LOVES US AND HAS OUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND. Notice the mind set JESUS had in Hebrews 12:2 “” WHO FOR THE JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM ENDURED THE CROSS! Here JESUS our PERFECT example when being beat and murdered has JOY! Because HE knows that in all of HIS suffering and death it’s a Divine Purpose behind all of it. The Divine plan here unfolds for the world to see how JESUS suffering and death brought SALVATION, HEALING, AND LIFE TO HUMANITY! There is a Divine Purpose behind all that we face and encounter in this life and GOD has THOUGHTS OF PEACE, AND NOT OF EVIL, TO GIVE YOU AN EXPECTED END. {Jeremiah 29:11}  Romans 8:28 {ALL} THINGS work together for Good to them that Love GOD; to them who are the called according to HIS purpose. We must understand we are not our own we are bought with a price by the LORD JESUS. 1 Cor. 6:19-20. 

     When understanding this it gives us complete Faith and Trust in GOD that HE has an expected end and Great plan for our lives and that wants us to Prosper and be in Great Health even as our Soul prospers. 3 John 2 We Must TRUST OUR GOD AND HAVE TOTAL FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN HIM KNOWING THAT HE LOVES US AND ALWAYS HAS OUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND!

     Now the ADVERSITY! For us to get to that point our Faith has to be Strengthen as the little plant has to grow and then turns into a Giant Redwood Tree! For our Faith to be strengthen it will take Adversity! This is the news no one want to hear it seems. But in the natural one has to work-out and in building the body muscles it takes adversity. If one does arm curls with weights this will cause the biceps to be sore but it takes this to build muscles. If one starts walking the legs will get sore when they first start but this will build up the muscles in their legs and they will be able to walk longer and further. This is the same principle with Faith the ADVERSITY, test, trials, hardships; sufferings will cause one’s Faith to Grow and develop.  This TRIAL OF FAITH we see with Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Job, and Paul. Abraham wife was barren, GOD Appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the ALMIGHTY GOD: walk before me, and be thou PERFECT. GOD explained to Abram that he would be the Father of Many Nations and how his wife Sarai would be the Mother of nations and her name would be Sarah. Genesis 17th Chapter: Here we have a GOD encounter!! And Promises are made and Abraham and Sarah both laugh at the promise of them having a son and nations coming from them!!! Neither Abraham nor Sarah’s faith is strong enough that is why they are laughing! So now comes Adversity to {Strengthen and Build their Faith}! GOD tells Abraham has to leave his father’s house! Gen. 12:1-3 Get thee OUT of thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. Abraham departed and took all he had and Lot his nephew with him. Now this is where the trouble starts and adversity starts! As Abraham is comfortable in his father’s house all of his life it’s his comfort zone. The Eagle throws the little eagles out of the nest at a certain time so they can learn to fly! For Abraham to get the Faith he needs to be the Father of Faith; he now has to go through some things! He is basically getting thrown out of the nest.

=    Abraham enters Egypt and Pharaoh sees that Sarah is Extremely Beautiful so he takes her into his house. Gen. 12:15 Abraham was afraid saying she was his sister. GOD plagued Pharaoh’s house. Pharaoh is Afraid!! Gives Sarah back to Abraham:

=    Lot is taken and Abraham has to go and fight to get him back!

=    Melchizedek King of Salem visits with Abraham and blesses him! Melchizedek is {JESUS}

=    King Abimelech takes Sarah. Gen. 20:3 GOD tells him in a dream he is a dead man if he does not return his wife. Verse 7 GOD tells the King Restore this man’s wife unto him and he shall PRAY for thee and thou shall live! And if thou restore her not, know that thou shalt surely die, thou and all that are thine. GOD is saying I AM going to kill you and your whole family if you do not return this Prophet’s wife unto him.

=    Now an amazing thing happens here as GOD had closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. Gen. 20:17-18. Remember Abraham and Sarah laugh when GOD told them they would have a son. Well now GOD can laugh because he has Abraham stop and pray for a nation here that is barren and they have more Faith in his prayers than Abraham and Sarah had! Yes GOD uses Abraham to pray for all the house of Abimelech and his wife and his maid servants and they bear children. Can you imagine Abraham and Sarah as they laugh but all of the women in Abimelech Kingdom are having babies by Abraham Prayers!   

     The journey starts and Abraham and Sarah decide to help GOD out so they get Hagar Sarah’s maid to have a son for Abraham! Have you ever tried to help GOD out?? They will now experience adversity to get their faith to the level it needs to be. The Angel has already asked Sarah IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD???? Gen. 18:14. Now the situation where Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed and Abraham has to Pray and believe GOD to save his Nephew and his family, then King Abimelech. Abraham afraid and told the King that Sarah was his sister. Which was true in a sense she was the daughter of his Father, but not his mother? Gen. 20:12:  Then in Gen. 15:1 GOD tell Abraham I am thy SHIELD, and thy Exceeding Great Reward. When GOD is YOUR SHIELD nothing can get to you as HE IS PROTECTING YOU!

     In this entire GOD was trying Abraham’ Faith and the Adversity was design to strengthen his Faith. Now he is given a son by his wife Sarah and then GOD says go and kill him sacrifice him to me! The testing was not over but now Abraham Faith is strong enough to endure this test. His Faith has gotten stronger. Now he is able to go and not staggered at the promises of GOD but is strong in FAITH. Romans 4:20 He Offers up Isaac and before he can cut his throat the LORD stops him and tells him not to hurt the lad, as there is a Ram in the bush. Gen. 22:10-14 GOD provided a Sacrifice but remember Abraham told the men that He and the lad would go and sacrifice and return, and then told Isaac that the LORD would provide himself a lamb!! 22:8 He is talking FAITH NOW meaning he was going up the mount to sacrifice Isaac but declared he and the lad will return! I DON’T KNOW HOW GOD IS GOING TO DO IT BUT I KNOW HE IS GOING TO DO IT! Look at how far his Faith grew though Adversity he learned to TRUST HIS GOD AND HIS FAITH GREW STRONG!

     The Trial and testing part of our Faith is not easy.  The adversity and hurt and pain seem unbearable at times but GOD is ever faithful and will never put more on you than you can bear. I Cor. 10:13 JESUS told the Apostle Paul my grace is Sufficient for thee! When he pray three times about the thorn in his flesh which was the continual persecution of the Jews following him and trying to constantly kill him even stoning him one time. Paul said he Glory in Tribulation as he learn that this is what it takes to develop strong Faith, he finally understood 2 FACED FAITH that it takes {ADVERSITY} TO STRENGTHEN OUR FAITH. That I may KNOW HIM THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SUFFERING THAT I MAY KNOW THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION! Romans 5:3 The Apostle Paul said he GLORY in tribulation. 2 Cor. 11:25   Bring on the Tribulations that I may get Stronger and KNOW MY GOD Paul is basically saying!

     2 Cor. 11:23-28 paraphrased = in Labours more abundant, in Stripes above measure, in Prisons more frequent, in Deaths Often, {25} Thrice was I Beaten with rods, once was I Stoned, Thrice I suffered Shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the Deep, {26} In Journeys often, in Perils of Robbers, in Perils by mine own Countrymen, in Perils by the Heathen, in Perils in the City, in the Wilderness, in the Sea, among false brethren, {27} In Weariness and Painfulness, in Watching often, in Hunger and Thirst, in Fasting Often, in Cold and Nakedness. {28} beside those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily, the Care of all the Churches

Joseph whose feet they hurt with fetter: he was laid in iron!  Psalms 105:18

All of these men of FAITH going through the TRIAL OF FAITH TESTED, BRUISED WOUNDED, and CRUSHED!

Your servant in the Lord, God’s Servants Brother Derrick and Sister Janice