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August 22, 2021

We must learn how to apply the WORD OF GOD! If you had Millions of dollars, and a relative that was starving and needed just $5.00 to get some food; but you could not get the $5.00 to the relative. The relative would starve to death! That is what it is like to have the WORD, and know the WORD, but not know how to apply it.

      Now Please read Matthew 4:1-10 with me. We read the temptations here, but notice when the devil try to tempt JESUS, asking HIM to turn the stone into Bread; JESUS responds it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD! Satan then began to quote scriptures, but JESUS will continue to say it is Written, It is written again. Constantly Quoting the Scriptures! Psalms 37:37 Mark the Perfect MAN and behold the UPRIGHT, for the end of that MAN is peace. JESUS is that Perfect MAN for us to Mark and be like.

      Now I often tell the story of the one eyed Sherriff I heard. As he got word that the bank was being robbed. He ran to the bank, and drew both of his pearl handle 45’s. He approach the bank, and seen the men loading the bags of Gold on their horses. He commanded them to stop in the name of the law! They refuse and continued to load the bags of Gold onto their horses. The Sheriff began to shoot! One bullet hit the saloon sign, another bullet hit a horse trough, another bullet hit the blacksmith shop, and one bullet shot the bakery shop window out. The sheriff was there holding 2 empty 45’s; the barrels still smoking as the bad guys rode out of town with the Gold. This Sheriff never hit his target but did a lot of shooting.

     The Apostle Paul said he is not as one that beateth the air. 1 Cor. 9:26 we should never just quote scriptures just to be quoting them when we are dealing with situations where the WORD has to be Applied. We must RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF GOD. 2 Tim. 2:15. In Matthew 4th chapter 4:1-10 we realize these scriptures being quoted are scriptures from the Old Testament Deu. 8:3, Psalms 91:11-12, Deu. 6:16, Deu. 6:13, Deu. 10:20. So JESUS was not just talking, but (Using) the Sword of the SPIRIT which is the WORD OF GOD.

      Now we must rely on Divine Principles taught in the WORD of GOD in Isaiah 43:26 Quoted below

      Isaiah 43:26 Put ME in Remembrance: let us plead together: Declare thou, that thou mayest be justified. JESUS is saying REMIND ME! But WHY would GOD want us to Remind HIM when HE Never Forgets??? That is the Million Dollar Question. As GOD tells us to REMIND HIM! So since HE never forgets HE is telling us this so we will remember, and not forget the Promises of GOD! Yes this is about us Remembering what GOD PROMISED US! Our FATHER would never lie to us, and HE never fails!

 ~~ 2nd Cor. 1:20 For all the Promises of GOD in HIM are yea; and in HIM Amen!!! Meaning (all)

Of the promises of GOD is YES and TRUE!!!

~~   Numbers 23:19 GOD is NOT a man that HE should lie!  Meaning our FATHER JUST CAN’T LIE!! Don’t know what it is to tell a lie, as he is the TRUTH!!

~~   Matthew 24:35 Heaven and Earth shall pass away but MY WORDS shall Not pass away!  The President’s word might fail but GOD’S WORD shall never fail!!

~~   Psalms 89:34 MY Covenant I will Not Break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of MY lips.  Meaning I am not going to break my promises to you, and I am not going to change the WORD that has gone out of MY lips as I am going to fulfill all of MY good promises.

~~   Isaiah 55:11 So shall MY WORD be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return void!     

~~   Ps. 119:89 FOREVER, O LORD THY WORD is settled in heaven!

~~   Isaiah. 40:8 The grass withered, the flower faded: but the WORD of our GOD shall stand forever.

~~   1st Peter 1:25 But the WORD of the LORD Endureth Forever!!!

~~   Matt. 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

You must remember GOD CAN’T LIE and HE CAN NOT FAIL HIS WORDS, we have to Know, that we Know, that we KNOW these Principles!  Prov. 4:22 For they are life unto those that find them, and Health to all of their flesh!! Never doubt the WORD!! The word Health here means MEDICINE!! The WORD of GOD is MEDICINE to all of our flesh!!!!

      You as a Believer have the Most Powerful Weapon in the entire World; and that is the WORD OF GOD. But you must learn how to apply it. A Soldier’s Weapon is no good if he or she does not know how to use it effectively.

 Let’s Go to Mark 11:12-22 in the Scriptures. In verses 13 & 14 JESUS speak the WORD (NO MAN EAT FRUIT OF THEE HERE AFTER FOREVER) and HIS disciples heard it. Perfect Application of the WORD the Master TEACHER is teaching us about the Application of the WORD or applying the WORD! Realize this is simply a Teaching lesson for the believers.

      We see this part clearly as Verse 13 the last sentence says (the time of figs was not yet). Example would be in winter when there is Snow and Ice one does not go looking for Plums, Peaches, or Watermelons to eat; because the time and season for them is not in the middle of the winter. Their season is not yet! John 1:3 All things were made by HIM and without HIM was not anything made that was made. So guess who made the Figs and the time, and season for them to blossom and produce Figs to eat? It was the same JESUS that cursed the Fig tree. The Fig tree did not suppose to have figs because the season of figs was not yet. So this is a lesson to us in the Application of the WORD!!!

 No man eats fruit of thee henceforth forever! And his disciples heard it. Notice JESUS says this where the Disciples can hear it. The next day they are amazed as the Fig Tree is dried up from the roots. So when is the fig tree cursed? It was cursed immediately after the WORDS came out of JESUS mouth. Although the leaves are still green the tree is dead! Although it looks healthy it’s dead! The next day the Disciples realize JESUS applied the WORD and the tree had actually been cursed! Now they are looking at the Tree Dried up from the roots totally DEAD!! The WORD was spoken and the Tree was cursed. A valuable lesson for the Disciples about Applying the WORD. JESUS tells them to HAVE FAITH IN GOD. Mark 11:22

 Psalms 18:21 Death and Life are in the Power of the tongue.

     We have to apply and Use the WORD! Let’s look at John 5:8 JESUS says RISE TAKE UP THY BED AND WALK. Immediately this cripple man that was crippling 38 years was immediately made whole. Peter was amazed at JESUS speaking simple words RISE TAKE UP THY BED AND WALK. Acts 3:6 Peter Applies the WORD himself he speaks to a cripple man that has been born cripple, and had been in that condition for 40 years. Peter applies the WORDS ARISE AND WALK. In verse 6 he says (Silver and Gold have I none; but such as I have given I thee in the name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth RISE UP AND WALK! The Man that was born cripple was immediately Healed; and started Leaping and Praising GOD! You have to apply the WORD of GOD to your every situation or problem! 

     Notice we have been paying close attention to how Peter use the WORD (Arise) the LORD JESUS spoke. But the Apostle Peter got so excited here that he did not stop with getting the cripple man to ARISE. He had seen JESUS in Luke 7:14 state (Young man I say unto thee ARISE)!! And the dead man arose!!! Then the LORD JESUS in Mark 5:41 said Talithacumi which is being interpreted, Damsel I say unto thee ARISE!! And the 12 yr. old little girl arose from the dead. So Peter being zealous can’t wait until the opportunity where he can use the WORD (ARISE) to raise the dead. In Acts 9:36-40 Peter gets his opportunity and he cries out Tabitha ARISE and the woman ARISE from the Dead!!! Glory!!! It works the WORD rose the woman from the dead.

      Psalms 107:20 says HE sent HIS WORD, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. GOD sent HIS WORD and the WORD is all you need we simply have to do like Peter and apply it to our circumstance or situation as the WORD never fails. You must find where it is written in the scriptures!! If its healing you need find where GOD says HE will HEAL YOU! Isaiah 53:5 says by HIS STRIPES we are HEALED!!!  Exodus 15:26 For I AM the LORD that HEALETH thee!

Psalms 103:3 ” ” WHO Healeth ALL thy diseases!! GOD wants you and your family to apply the WORD and be HEALED!!! GOD Loves you and HE wants you, and your family made completely whole!

      When GOD is saying Put (ME) in Remembrance HE wants you to find where it is written! Whatever you need find it in the WORD of GOD where JESUS said HE WILL do it; and you can have whatever it is. GOD will give you your Miracles if you can find them in the scriptures and Put HIM in Remembrance. Glory! Find it in the WORD and stand on the WORD. Don’t look at your situation or circumstance LOOK AT GOD’S WORD. Put HIM in Remembrance, Remind GOD of what HE promised you in the WORD!

      I had previously visited with Bro. William Ott an Author and Evangelist and a Personal friend, and fellow soldier, who informed me of a woman in Michigan whose son was ran over by a car and killed. The Mother put her son in bed and drove all the way to Tulsa Okla. Where the Man of GOD bro. David Terrell was holding a Revival at the New Testament Holiness Church. She and another woman traveling with her approach the man of GOD; and began to explain to him that her son was dead. The man of GOD prayed for her and told her she could go home, everything would be alright. The little boy had been dead for 2 days; but when she arrived home he was alive and playing JESUS HAD ROSE HIM FROM THE DEAD! The woman had to put GOD in remembrance! Not so much for GOD to remember; but so that she could remember what GOD promised, and her faith would be based on the WORD of GOD! Glory! GOD Can and GOD Will! All you have to do is stand on the WORD, and apply the WORD, use the WORD!!

     This Woman stood on the Promises of GOD. So instead of a funeral she got a miracle! Because she knew GOD said in Mark 10:27 WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!! And Matthew 18:19 “that if two of you shall agree on Earth as touching anything that they ask it SHALL BE DONE “. If you need a Miracle “ASK” and it shall be Given, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be open unto you. Matthew 7:7

      You have a FATHER that LOVES YOU; and all HE wants you to do is Put HIM in Remembrance. Remind HIM of what HE Promised in HIS WORD, and you will be justified. As GOD will Honor HIS WORD!! Abraham calls those things which be not as though they were and believed the WORD GOD gave him that he would have a son. Romans 4:20-21 He staggered not at the Promise of GOD through unbelief; but was Strong in Faith giving Glory to GOD; (21) and being Fully Persuaded, that what HE had promised HE was able to perform. You must be Fully Persuaded and hold on to the Promises of GOD. For all of HIS Promises are Yea and in HIM amen. They will come to pass! GOD LOVES YOU! APPLY THE WORD. (YOU) are just as important to GOD as anyone else in the whole world; YOU are HIS Child and HE is your FATHER, HE DIED FOR YOU AND ROSE FROM THE DEAD, JUST TO SHOW YOU JUST HOW IMPORTANT YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL WAS TO HIM (YES) YOU!

      I was at Leavenworth and a bro. Bogart approaches me and he was very shaken by the news he had gotten. He informed me that his Mother Mrs. Bogart was in the Hospital and had a Heart Attack. Now the Words Hospital and Heart Attack rang loud in my spirit and I did not want to delay but knew we needed to go into Emergency prayer. Now there were so many people everywhere on the yard that day; and nowhere it seem to go and pray so we kneel down on our knees in a patch of grass and began to call on JESUS! So can you imagine people working out, running, basketball games, handball, and putt putt golf, etc.  and 2 men on their knees in the middle of all of this praying and crying out to GOD bombarding the heavens?? After an hour of Prayer we felt a Breakthrough and JESUS has spoken to me, and given me a message for Mrs. Bogart.

     Now my dilemma was how do I get the Message to her?  I had her & Mr. Bogart’s telephone number as she was a Pastor in Florida and we had talked and prayed over the phone before. But how do I talk to her if she is in the hospital? Her son and I was pondering this and returning back inside from the outdoors. He explains to me that someone should be at the house and they could get the message to her. As I entered my place of residence, JESUS said go and call her NOW!! I went directly to the phone and called her number and Mr. Bogart answered the Phone. I began to explain to him that I had gotten the news about his wife; and I had just got out of prayer with his son. That JESUS had given me a message for her, but I needed someone to get the message to the hospital to her. He said just one moment!

 He handed the Phone to someone and the voice I heard on the phone was his wife Pastor Bogart. I was confuse and began to say; your son told me you had a heart attack, and was in the hospital! She said I did but while I was laying there in the hospital bed JESUS told me to leave the hospital, and go home, because HE had a WORD for me!! The doctors thought she was crazy as she had to sign out of the hospital on her own, taking full responsibility, and placing her life in great danger. I was then excited as I told her I have the Message for you!!!! The WORD for you is that GOD said Say not in thy heart who shall ascend into heaven? (That is, to bring CHRIST down from above:) Or, who shall descend into the deep? (That is to bring up CHRIST again from the dead.) But what saith it? The WORD is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart: that is, the WORD OF FAITH which we Preach; I said GOD is saying quit looking to a person to give you the WORD the WORD is in you! SPEAK YOUR OWN DELIVERANCE; USE THE WORD OF GOD THAT IS ALREADY IN YOU!!!! THE HOLYGHOST FELL AND SHE BEGAN TO SCREAM AND SPEAK IN TONGUES AS THE HOLYGHOST FELL ON HER, AND SHE WAS MIRACULOUSLY HEALED!!!

 Psalms 107:20 says HE sent HIS WORD and healed, and delivered them from their destruction. The WORD in Pastor Bogart healed, and delivered her once she applied it!!! You see it was there all alone; but she was waiting on someone else to give her a WORD, when GOD wanted her to use the WORD she already had!!! PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE!!!!

      The Apostle Paul stood on the WORD, and Promises of GOD. A Great Example here is Acts 27:14-44; now verses 23 & 24 = For there stood by me this night the Angel of GOD, whose I am, and whom I serve, (24) saying Fear not Paul thou must be brought before Caesar and Lo; GOD hath given thee all them that sail with thee. (25) ” ” I BELIEVE GOD!!!

     Now we are focusing on the Application of the WORD. Here GOD tells the Apostle Paul THOU MUST APPEAR BEFORE CAESAR!!! This is the WORD that Paul stands firmly on!! He is not worrying about the storm, and raging ocean waves. FULLY PERSUADED that GOD’S WORD will sustain him! The Ship Crashes, and breaks into pieces leaving him and the prisoners to have to swim, and grab hold to pieces of the broken ship. Verse (44) everyone makes it to shore 276 people not one fatality and some cannot swim holding on to broken pieces of the ship floating to shore. As the WORD from GOD was that GOD had given Paul all of them that were with him, and no life would be lost although the ship would be destroyed.

   If I can get you to just Hold On to one scripture and put GOD in Remembrance you will see JESUS cannot lie and HE NEVER fails!!  Paul CANNOT DIE as long as he Put GOD IN REMEMBRANCE!! Because GOD told him he had to appear before Caesar!! The WORD is spoken and Paul is standing on it Defying death and circumstances. All he need is the WORD!! THE WORD SAID APPEARS BEFORE CAESAR!!  John 1:1 says the WORD is GOD! Numbers 23:19 GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE!!

      Acts 28:3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks; and laid them on the fire, there came a Viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. (4) And when the Barbarians saw the VENOMOUS Beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a Murderer, whom though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.

     But Paul Defied death and shook the Venomous beast unto the fire and felt no harm. Now the Barbarians were watching and waiting on Paul to swell up, and die suddenly, but once they saw death was shaken off so easily they called him a god!! Acts 28:6

     The Apostle Paul was simply applying the WORD of GOD. GOD said he would appear before Caesar; so Paul mind set is I don’t have time to die I got to appear before Caesar, I BELIEVE GOD! I BELIEVE THE WORD!! 

      Now it our time we have to find where it is written in the WORD of GOD; and Declare WE BELIEVE GOD! GODS’ WORD will not fail us. The Divine Principle in Isaiah 43:26 applies today. All we have to do is Put GOD in Remembrance of what HE PROMISED us in the WORD; and HE will honor HIS OWN WORD, and make HIS promise GOOD in your life, and situation. It does not matter how bad or severe it seems. Remember the woman from Michigan place her Dead son in the bed, and went to find the Prophet Bro. David Terrell. He prayed for her and her son was raised from the Dead after being dead 2 days. The Shunamite Woman in 2nd Kings 4th Chapter verses 14-37 she stood on the Promise of GOD; and put GOD in Remembrance, and her son was raised from the Dead. JESUS is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

      Apply the WORD! Stand on the Promises of GOD; and be Fully Persuaded that what HE promises HE SHALL SURELY PERFORM IN YOUR LIFE!!!

                                                             Putting GOD in Remembrance

                                                            GOD’S servants Bro. Derrick and Sis. Janice