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SEPT 9, 2018

Luke 19:1-10, John 14:9, Matthew 17:3, 19:23-24, John 14:9, 12:21, Isaiah 6:1, Revelation 1:11-17, 2 Corinthians 4:4-6, Col. 2:9,  Luke 17:20, Matthew 9:12, Romans 3:23, Luke 14:11, Matthew 19:30, John 1:48, 1 Timothy 1:15, Mark 2:17, Luke 19:10, Hebrews 3:3-8, Rev. 3:20, Mathew 10:41, 25:34-40, Psalms 41:1-3, Luke 6:38, 19:9, Roman 4:16, Galatians 3:11

             Zacchaeus was from a city that was built upon a curse, Jericho! You might recall how Joshua and the Army of GOD Marched around the City and the Walls of Jericho came crumbling down! But the Gospel takes away the curse as JESUS the MASTER was Traveling from the other side of Jordan River. HE was headed to Bethany as a friend of HIS name Lazarus had died, so the MASTER is in route to Bethany. Now HE is going there to Raise Lazarus up but it seems HE is not in such a Great Hurry. And HE doesn’t seem worried at all!

             Now Jaccai or Zacchaeus was a common name among the Jews at that time as Zaccai was a Famous Rabbi and many people named their child after him.

Zacchaeus is Chief among the Publicans he is Receiver General or General over all of the other Tax collectors! Other Publicans and Tax collectors work for him. He is the head one in charge and ruler of men. Next we must understand that Zacchaeus is {RICH}! The Reason we look at this is because JESUS said it is hard for a Rich man to be saved! Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a Rich man to be saved! Matthew 19:23-24

            Seeing JESUS is to see the FATHER! John 14:9 When one sees JESUS it totally changes their lives! The Greeks said Sirs we would see JESUS!! (John 12:21) Seeing GOD was a Prayer request that Moses ask. As He wanted to see GOD! He would only be allowed to see the backside of GOD until JESUS came! Then Moses prayer would be answered as He was summoned from Paradise to the Mount of Transfiguration where HE saw GOD! (Matthew 17:3) JESUS said have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known ME, Philip? He that hath seen ME hath seen the FATHER; Isaiah saw GOD and said HE was sitting on a Throne, high and lifted up, This changed Isaiah’s life. It caused Him to see that he himself was undone and unclean (Isaiah 6:5). John saw GOD when He was on the Isle of Patmos and this changed John’s life. Rev. 1:11-17; Col 2:9.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “Who is the Image of GOD should shine unto them. 4:6 to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of GOD in the FACE of JESUS CHRIST. To see GOD is to see Unlimited LOVE and Unlimited Power, it’s to see an answer to any problem, to see healing for any sickness or disease, to see hope when there is no hope, to see a way when there is no way! To see GOD is to see JESUS!! As the Fullness of GOD IS IN JESUS!

             Now Zacchaeus Curiosity got the best of him!! HE heard about this Messiah, this Great Prophet. HIS fame was so great that everyone was talking about HIM! Many traveling from afar to get a chance to See HIM! How HE even Raised the Dead! That the Winds and Sea Obeys HIM, demons are terrified of HIM, and HE can Heal any Sickness or Disease! Finally HE would be passing by Jericho, so this was an opportunity of a life time! Zacchaeus was not going to miss out on this Great Opportunity! He would be able to tell his Grand kids how He saw this Great prophet of Galilee! Perhaps HE would even get to see a Great Miracle! Oh his mind was racing and now finally the TIME HAD COME!!

     The Crowds were so thick, and there was so many people that Zacchaeus found that HE HAS A PROBLEM! He could not see over the people for he was short! Everyone has a problem we can think of Naaman a Great man but Leprosy, and King David a Great King but make major mistakes, Saul murdering Christians before JESUS saved Him and changed His name to Paul! But to have a Problem is one thing but to acknowledge it is another, and to actually acknowledge it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT IS TOTALLY ANOTHER THING ALSO! But Naaman, David, and Paul all did something about their situation! And now Zacchaeus has decided to do something about His situation!

            But it will take Embarrassing Himself, it will take admitting that he has a problem, it will take possibly being laughed at by others, and it will take Great deal of Humility on His part! There used to be a song called “Ain’t too Proud to Beg”!   Willing to totally Humiliate Himself, not worried about what anyone thought any more as His problems had to be fixed, as now He was a desperate man! But Zacchaeus decides that it is worth it! Now Remember He is the General Receiver over all of the others! HE HAS A PROBLEM and decides to do something about it as He is short and can’t see the Great Prophet from Galilee. HE does what some would call the Unthinkable! He RUNS ahead of the Crowd and climbs a Sycamore Tree!!

            Can you imagine just for a moment all the Scribes, Pharisees, and tax collectors under Him looking on in total astonishment! As here is a man rich that takes his time and walks and gets in a hurry for no one. And use to people running to get things done He orders! But now this General Receiver is running like a small child! And then climbs a Sycamore Tree! Some probably laughing and talking about this Rich Man! But here Zacchaeus had gotten desperate as He was sick and tired of being sick and tired! It did not matter who laughed at him, and did not matter what anyone thought. This was a moment of rising above all of the ridicule, and scorn! He just had to see JESUS; and could this JESUS help him?? As he was helping the lost, the sick, the poor, the brokenhearted! But could HE help a Rich man? Was there any hope for a man that had done others wrong, and even swindles some out of their monies? Picture in your mind this little short man high up in the Sycamore Tree so He could see JESUS and trying to get a first hand look at JESUS, and wanting to see everything that was going on, not wanting to miss anything!

             Notice that this Great Prophet of Galilee is not in an Open Chariot for everyone to see HIM; HE is not lifted up as Kings, Presidents, and Popes so everyone can see HIM! As the Kingdom of Heaven cometh not with Observation! Luke 17:20 This Prophet wants to draw all the attention to GOD and not just HIS Fleshly body! HE wants people to see, and feel the Power and Love of GOD! But to Zacchaeus HE seems to be lost in the crowd, walking there with the people. I recall a woman once pressing through the crowd just so she could touch the Hem of HIS Garment that she might be made whole! This Great Prophet is not lifted up above the people but has come down to their level as HE walks among Men! HIS Glory was at one time in the Tabernacles Moses made. On the Altar between the Seraphim’s, and now GOD is in a body walking among men! And Zacchaeus want to see!

             In His Humiliation Zacchaeus gets a chance to see GOD! As JESUS said Philip when you have seen ME you have seen the FATHER! John 14:9 but the 1st step was Zacchaeus had to realize that something was WRONG WITH HIM! As they that are whole need not a Physician! Matthew 9:12, JESUS came to help those that need help, if one is alright and feel nothing is wrong HE just passes them by! Zacchaeus seeing His need for Help and Humbling Himself caused Him to be able to See GOD! Do you see a need in your life for help? Are there areas in your life that need to be fixed, and straightened out; is there something wrong with YOU?? If not then you don’t need GOD! As HE ONLY comes to help those that need help! I know You have heard the saying GOD helps those that help themselves, but actually that saying came from Greek Mythology, as relating to Salvation GOD comes to help those that CAN’T help themselves! Those that CAN NOT Save themselves. As Only GOD can take away our sins; as we cannot take our own sins away, we cannot make ourselves Righteous, and fix our problem! We have to see that there is something wrong with us, and that we need help that can only come from GOD! For ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of GOD! Romans 3:23

He that humbles Himself shall be exalted! Luke 14:11 Only the Blood of JESUS can save us and take our sins away! Only the SPIRIT of JESUS can heal our broken lives as there are some things we wrestle with and struggle with but cannot overcome! WE must know that JESUS came to heal broken lives no matter what kind of hurt, pain, bondage, grief, sorrow, or addiction JESUS is the Answer! HE knows about it already as the very hairs of your head are all numbered! (Mt. 10:30). HE sees that which you don’t want to discuss with no one else!

But know that YOU can give it to JESUS right now just lift your hands and say LORD I HAVE A PROBLEM! HELP ME PLEASE!! It’s actually just that simple!! Your life can be turned around and totally transformed as you will be able to overcome all that you have struggle with! Yes the hurt, pain and sorrows shall be taken away and you will have a new start at life!

            As JESUS came by HE said Zacchaeus make haste, and come down; For I must abide at thy house! But Wait did JESUS just SEE Zacchaeus and did JESUS just call Him by his Name??? Remember JESUS told Nathaniel when thou was under the fig tree I saw thee! When Nathaniel had said whence knowest thou me? John 1:48 Here again, HE know, Zacchaeus by Name! Yes JESUS knows “YOU” by name! And HE tells Zacchaeus to make haste! As we must remember JESUS is already running days late according to Mary and Martha.

As they sent for JESUS when their brother was sick, but now he has been dead for days and stinketh! But JESUS takes time to dine, and visit with Zacchaeus! Now immediately the Religious people say, JESUS is going to dine with that Sinner!!! Amazing how Religious people often forget that we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD! And the fact that JESUS came into the World to save Sinners! 1 Timothy 1:15 JESUS did not come to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance. Mark 2:17 The SON OF MAN came to seek and to save that which was lost! Luke 19:10.

             The MASTER called Zacchaeus by Name telling him to make haste, and come down; For today I must abide at thy house! Now this is Powerful! As when GOD calls we must not make excuses or delay as that could be dangerous! Hebrews 3:3-8 says the day you hear MY voice harden not your heart! Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock!! JESUS wants to come in and eat with us,  dine with us! JESUS sets Zacchaeus up to be blessed! Because by Him receiving a Prophet he will receive a Prophet’s reward but here is much more than a Prophet this is GOD having dinner with you and your family! Matthew 10:41   Zacchaeus welcomes HIM! We must remember when we treat the least ones right and show them love and hospitality we are doing it unto the LORD! Matthew 25:34-40.

            But Zacchaeus says LORD I am going to give 1/2 my good to the Poor! Now Psalms 41:1-3 blessed is he that considered the poor and GOD will remember him in time of trouble!! Luke 6:38 Says give and it shall be given” “So Zacchaeus is on a roll! Then he says if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation I restore 4 fold!! He wants to make everything Right! Amazing how when JESUS comes into one’s life everything begins to change! Glory!!! Then JESUS says in verse 19:9 THIS DAY IS SALVATION COME TO THIS HOUSE, FOR AS MUCH AS HE ALSO IS A SON OF ABRAHAM!!!

             GOD takes a man that was a sinner and brings Salvation to His house and saves Him and his family; everything Zacchaeus has now is blessed! His entire household; the animals, the crops! And He is now a Son of Abraham. Romans 4:16, Galatians 3:11, HE is in the Family of Faith! Amazing as here is a City built upon a curse and not much going on in Jericho. We have the Religious people there the Pharisees and Jews. But JESUS comes to this city built upon a curse and brings a blessing to a man the Religious people called a sinner! Only 2 Miracles are recorded in the Gospels regarding the City of Jericho! Zacchaeus is one and the blind men: Blind Bartimaeus being one of them.

No recordings of any miracles to the church folks! These 2 men did not mind humiliating themselves, did not care how they sounded, of what anyone thought they had to have their Miracle! Their mind set was if no one else wants a Miracle I want one!!! Hallelujah! Zacchaeus’ actions impacted his entire family, as all of them got blessed, as Salvation came to the entire household! Everything He had become blessed by GOD because of his actions.

              Right now wherever YOU are JESUS wants to bless YOU and your family! HE wants YOU to have life and life more abundantly! (John 10:10) Whatever the problem is JESUS wants to solve it and fix it for YOU. There is no problem too Great, nor any sickness that HE cannot cure. My wife and I and the Prayer Warriors want to pray for you right now and whatever the need is JESUS want to fix it right now! We are praying for YOU!

GOD’S servant bro. derrick & sis janice